Does This Officially Make Me A Horse Nerd?

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I decided to come home from my doc's appt. the back way today, even though it's longer and 15 miles of nothing but curves and twists and's prettier and I thought maybe I'd see a deer or something.

I was just driving along in my automobile when I went around one of the corners and there was a huge black horse on the side of the road being led by a little lady. I slowed wwaaayyyy down and turned down the music. She waved, so I waved back. Then I did the nerdy thing...

I turned around and went back. I parked on the side of the road and ran after the horse, lol. They had their backs to me and were way off the road by that point, so I hollered, "Can I see your horse?!" LMBO

She turned around with the horse and started walking back towards me. As I walked towards them I felt like a kid on Christmas morning, sheesh. What a beautiful horse he was! She had just shaved him, so he felt all prickly if you scratched him, so I just pet his nose...and he snotted on me a bit, LOL. We talked for about 20 minutes...about her horse, Black, and about local farms, minis (folks nearby who have them), and she gave me some info to look up about local shows. Black does barrels. I can't wait to go see him! Black, however, must be overly loved on, because he wasn't the least bit interested in me after his initial smell...he just wanted to eat the grass. But, my goodness, he is a HUGE horse.

Another bonus was that my doggies all went crazy sniffing me when I got home...hee hee hee. They never smelled a dog like THAT before!

So, does this qualify me to join the ranks of the horsie nerdy club?

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