bargain shopping endless summers

Paint Lick, KY(Zone 6a)

Well Lowes had 1 gal Endless Summers 75% off less than 4.00 so I got 4 for the front of the house. They are just starting to come back at the base. How long should I wait before planting them? I don't want to stress them more but would like them in the ground. And when should I fertilize?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

When you say they're just coming back from the base, were these abused plants that are recovering from damage, or are they just starting to leaf out which is perfectly normal for this time of year? If they're recovering from damage I would baby them along in the pots for a while until they're looking nice and healthy, you don't want to create more stress for plants that are already stressed. But if they're healthy plants and are just leafing out then you can plant them sooner. I'd probably wait until after your last frost date though just to be safe.

Paint Lick, KY(Zone 6a)

Sorry for the delay, I've been mega busy. I don't know what the deal was with them.(if they had been overwintered at lowes or if they were frost damaged) I planted them this weekend and they are leafing out a bit more. I planted them w hummus/manure mix and mulch. I bought a forever and ever today at half off but it seems in better shape. I'll post pictures once they have recovered a bit more. thanks for the reply!

Parkersburg, WV(Zone 6b)

After that weird cold snap we had three weeks ago, our Lowe's here had their Endless Summer hydrangeas on clearance because they got damaged. I picked out the one with the least damage and got it for $7.50. It's still in the pot--I haven't planted it yet--and it's looking great. I hope to find time to get it planted next week.


Clarkston, MI(Zone 5b)

I have an endless summer Hydrangea in full bloom.
When can I move this plant outdoors?
I live in SE Michigan and the weather is in the low 70's.
Should I wait until after Mother's day?
What should I add to the soil before planting?
Thanks so much, Happy Spring everyone!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'd get it planted right after your last frost date. But before you plant it you'll need to acclimate it to the outdoors, sun exposure will probably be the biggest problem, even a part shade location outdoors will be much stronger light than it's used to indoors. And if you just plant it out in its final location without getting it used to the sun gradually, you'll wind up with a lot of sunburned leaves. The blooms may suffer when you plant it, that creates stress for a plant and sometimes will cause them to stop blooming, but I would want to get it planted soon anyway, it's never a good idea to plant things during the heat of summer so you want to get it in the ground before that.

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