Atlantic Beach, NY


This year I am trying my luck at with a whole bunch different hanging grow baskets, everything from the topsy bags to generic hanging grow bags . I am trying strawberries, tomatos, & cukes.

I am planning on setting up a "drip" irrigation syatem for these. As they are hanging in mid-air, I suspect that they dry out more quickly.

So.... the Q is.. What GPH drip rate would be appropriate, and for how long a period of time each day. Any suggsetions owuld be apprciated.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The guidelines I've seen are use 1/2 gph drippers for clay soil since it takes longer to absorb water, 1 gph for intermediate soils, and 2 gph for sandy soil. I'm guessing your potting mix drains pretty well so either 1 or 2 gph would probably be fine (although I don't think it matters as much with pots as it does in the garden, you'll just have to run them for longer if you have the slower drippers). Then you'll need to vary the number of drippers per pot--bigger pots will need more drippers than smaller ones, that way you can run the water for the same amount of time and all of them will get the water they need. As far as how long to run the drippers, trial and error is probably the best way to figure that out--run them for 5 min, see how wet that makes them, if that's not enough then try going up a few minutes, etc.

Atlantic Beach, NY


Thanx for thre reply. Planted up a bunch this past weekend and the real fun (experimentation) now begins!!!!!!

Thanx Laska1

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