
London, United Kingdom

I really love the so called miniatures, Here are three that I grow, they all are 30-40cm high (12-16 inches), with 10-15cm (4-6 inch) flowers. They are Limon Lime, Bianca, and one called Orange Angel. They are great because they take up less space and don't get top heavy. Bianca is my favourite, a wonderful plant.

Thumbnail by ranjo
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Your lemon lime is particularly beautiful, a true lemon lime color. My lemon lime was closer to white, with just a hint of the lime color.

Mobile, AL

Oh! Thank you for that picture. I received a Lemon Lime from B&B that looks more white, and definitely NOT like yours (which is what I wanted).

When will this bulb industry ever get its act together?

London, United Kingdom

My Lemon Lime has been grown in my green house in very high light levels, I think colours are much darker and more vivid grown under those conditions, and in the UK, we are currently having the warmest and dryest April since records began 300 years ago.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

When will the bulb industry get their act together? They must be losing money with all the times I've requested the same hipp I first ordered. I figure they must be working on this!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Could planting inground affect height? My Lemon Lime and my Bianca are at least 24" tall,though I'd say flowers are somewhere between 4-6". They are planted inground year round.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I have had a few taller stalks on minis in pots so I think that light has some effect on height (taller in low light?).

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