Milwaukee, WI(Zone 5b)

I purchased three hydrangeas from a nursery about three weeks about. They all arrived in good shape. I had purchased one mop (bride blush) and two lacecap (purple tier).

The mop is doing well but the lacecap have wilting/dying leaves. They are all planted in containers and I am waiting a little longer before transplanting to avoid frost.

They are exposed to bright light and occasional direct sun. They are indoors. I am not sure if I am overwatering. But am treating all three the same.

I have contacted the nursery to see what they have to say - but wondered if anyone had any other thoughts. I am new to hydrangeas & this is my first try.

Thanks! Michele

Thumbnail by gardenshowers
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Did you post this somewhere else but without the picture? I could swear I posted an answer before but I don't see it here. My thought on the other thread where there wasn't a picture was that it could be overwatering, but now that I see the pic I don't think that's it. It looks like some sort of fungus possibly, if that's what it is they can be spread by water splashing on the soil when you're watering from overhead, so I would try to be really careful when you're watering so that water doesn't splash back up on the plant. I would remove the leaves that look infected (it looks like there may be one whole branch that's pretty bad but others that look OK--if that's the case then you could even trim out a whole branch if it's looking pretty infected. Then I would try repotting in some fresh soil, get as much of the old soil off the roots as you can without damaging them. And even if you weren't overwatering before, do be careful about the amt of water you're giving them because if there are any little bits of fungus that are left behind, having a little excess moisture around will encourage it to come back.

Milwaukee, WI(Zone 5b)

Thanks for help. I did post the same question without a pic - couldn't figure out how to edit and attach a pic later so I reposted.

Thanks for your help!


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm glad I'm not imagining things! Next time if you want to include a pic, I don't think you can edit your original message and put a picture in, but you can post a reply to yourself in the same thread and put a picture in there.

Milwaukee, WI(Zone 5b)

What if the majority of the leaves are "infected". If all the leaves end up dying/being removed - before I can "rid" the plant of the fungus - is it likely the plant will die?

Thumbnail by gardenshowers
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

In your first pic it looked like there were some branches on the left side of the pot that either aren't infected at all or at least don't look too bad and just the one branch on the right that looks really bad. Maybe a farther away shot that gets the whole plant in would be helpful to judge the extent of the problem? The leaves I would remove are the ones that are sort of all dried up and crinkled looking, they aren't helping the plant any, for the others if they're mostly green I would leave them for now.

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