My hydrangea babies___what should I do???

Delhi, IA

OK. Last Sept. I purchased a Tardiva Hydrangea. Saw it's blooms used in an arrangement___it was lovely. Well, messer that I am I took 2 cuttings from my plant before I set it in the ground in Sept. rooted them in sand and then potted them in potting mix and they have grown all leafed out in pots in a sunny south window all winter.

About a month ago I set them outin the garage on a freezing day to shock them into dropping their leaves. The buds are still green and very much alive. They were only out in the garage for about 24 hours. Mission accomplished. Leaves dropped in a week or so with a little coaxing by me.

They are back in the warm house, I suppose enjoying dormancy. Do I wait for the weather to be frost free and plant them in my nursery bed for the summer? Put them out now? Need your advice. jam

Thumbnail by jamlover
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I would probably wait until after your last frost date. And I would also harden them off properly before planting them in the garden.

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