help with compost

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

HELP..I just went to turn my horse manure compost and have a LARGE ant colony.there hasn't been anything added to the pile since I set it up and I've been using it regularly but this is the first time I've seen ants in it, also should i be concerned about them migrating to nearby compost bins? should I try ant poison on it to kill them? Freddie

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I too have had problems like that, but put amdro in a #10 can, on its side, and placed it near their colony, and they took the queenie a snack, and all died.The worms, however, never knew anything about it, and went on eating leaves,and scrapes. Mike

Is the pile moist? My pile only gets ants when it is dry. It has never gotten fire ants.
I'm finding oodles of ants in all of my lagsagna beds this year. I figure they are just part of the break down of it all. Plants don't seem to care. The black widows are probably feeding on them anyway. I saw a very large black widow in the rocks by the horse poop today. Such a pretty thing!


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