Wild dogwod New member

Center Moriches, NY

Hello everyone. I am very new to this site. Thank you PIRL for such a warm welcome from Long Island! : ) I was recently visiting my brother in SC and fell in LOVE with the dogwood growing all over his property, sooooooo in my infinite wisdom, i grabed a shovel and walked through all his acres and dug myself up a dogwood to bring home. It is now in SHOCK in my livingroom in a pot and needs to be transplanted. Does anyone know whether or not I should keep it in a pot this year or plant it as it is FINALLY getting warm around here! Will it even survive??? What I would give to have one of those southern trees bloom in my yard.

ANYWAY..My name is Christine.... So nice to be here.....Enjoy this first of warm weather!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Hi Christine! Welcome to the NE forum. I don't know enough about trees to give you a sure answer but someone will be along to help.

Lebanon, PA

Hi and welcome! I am a huge dogwood lover, too! Sorry, can't help with your question, though. But I'm interested on how you make out with your tree. I'm a little closer to your zone (I'm in eastern PA) and we have dogwood growing wild here, so I will cross my fingers that yours will make it!

This message was edited Apr 21, 2007 10:52 PM

Lebanon, PA

Ooh... I just Googled Cornus florida (flowering dogwood) and came up with a native range map. Looks like your area is in there, so best of luck to you!

Thumbnail by LupineGrace
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Christine, warm welcome to Dave's Garden and the Northeast forum. Lot's of friendly folks here. we have a lot of fun and there is tons of good advice available, too.

I can't add anything to what Grace said about the dogwood, except to plant it, give it some TLC and hope for the best.


Summit, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hello Christine,

I'm very fond of flowering dogwood also, and enjoy seeing the birds make use of its berries, but wanted to give you a heads up about a problem with anthranose. I'm not sure if Massachusetts is effected but I know it's an issue here in NJ. I'm linking to a fact sheet, and can tell you from experience on my property the comment about choosing a sunny location is correct since the trees we had in the shade are gone now.

I'm not an expert, but if it was my plant, I'd try to get it into the ground soon, although my SIL seems to get ok results keeping things in pots a season or two though. Enjoy your plant.



Northeast Harbor, ME

Christine, I would certainly keep it in the pot until any leaves that it has on it off in the fall. In the mean time, go and get some seaweed emulsion and give that plant a drink of it. Use it regularly throughout the summer.

When all danger of frost is gone, put it outside in a shady spot. Plant leaves get sun burned too and you don't want to shock the tree again this summer. You can gradually acclimate it to direct sun light but err on the side of caution.

When you select a site for it, make sure that there's plenty of air circulation so that the possibility of an anthracnose infection is minimized.

And good luck.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Christine - so glad you came over to say hello to us. Good luck with your dogwood.

Providence, RI(Zone 6a)

Christine ~ a big hearty welcome to the NE forum!!! I love dogwoods and see many around my city, although I have no personal experience with them. Good luck and do keep us posted on its progress.

Center Moriches, NY

Thanks to everyone for your advise. I still have it in a pot in my house and it does not look good ; ( When I transfered to the pot from SC and it went into shock all the leaved shriveled and died so I keep hoping it is still in shock. I think I might just keep it in the pot as Watersedge said. I can control the weather better by moving it in and out during the unexpected weather we have been having and if all fails..... Off to SC in the fall to try again. : ) Again Thanks to all for the advise and warm welcome. One more thing.... It's bark seems mottled in color....light and dark is that bad? (sigh)

BTW I am a high school teacher with 3 small children...it leaves little time to respond back but I do appreciate all the input.

Happy Spring!

Christine : )

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

If you can take the kids on an outing to the Bayard Aboretum you may be able to ask a professional his/her opinion. Take photos and bring them with you.

Center Moriches, NY

Is that the North Fork?

Center Moriches, NY

LOL, I must have the wrong time zone... I am looking at my watch saying 10:20, yet thread says 9:20. : )

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

You can change the time by going to your home page and selecting the right time zone. I only know because I've made that mistake.

Bayard is in Oakdale I think. I'll Google it.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)


East Islip.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I hope you are successful with your dogwood. Air circulation is one thing, but we get some really cold drying winds in the winter up here in the North. You need to think about that when determining where to put your tree. These winds killed off two dogwoods I tried to grow up here on my hilltop. I didn't have a sufficiently sheltered spot for it. Dogwoods here are more successful at the bottom of my hill {In my neighbor's yards, of course!} and in the flatter parts of town.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Welcome to Dave's Garden. The people on the Northeast Gardening Forum are fantastic. And Kassia makes great coffee! (Plus she has a great rose garden underway).

Some really terrific people have already introduced themselves to you, Lakoftime. I have been the grateful recepient of advice from pirl, Dave47, grampapa, pixie, watersedge, victorgardener, and many many other wonderful folk. You are going to like it here :-)

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Welcome from AYankeeCat, too. My coffee isn't very good. And I don't have a very pretty garden - yet. :( But my cat does tricks. *looking hopeful, and pitiful*

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

lol I would like to see the tricks! Has your cat been on David Letterman or Pet star yet?

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Martha - LOL! He's not that good. Here he is on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91aHzPf1sEo shaking hands and giving me Hi Fives. Since then he has learned low five. And he taught the innocent cat how to jump on the counters.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL I love You tube!!

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

welcome Christine.... I don't know much about trees... only that I killed 2 that I got last year.... sad thing!!!!

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