Lillium Michiganense

Champaign, IL(Zone 5b)

Anyone know of any place to buy these?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Plant Delights lists them, and they have a good Watchdog rating:

I think I know what your problem is. You've got two L's in the binomial. Ditch one L and search for it using this spelling- Lilium Michiganense

I've got a few Turk's Cap/Michigan Lilies here only mine are the white. Very beautiful. I purchased mine at Millagers in Racine. Although that is the first time I've seen the white ones for sale anywhere, I do see the straight species frequently at native plant sales.

Champaign, IL(Zone 5b)

lol.. guess that explains my problem finding them in Plant Files. My wife and I have decided that they a must for our newest bed. Thanks everyone :)

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