Do the Gardens Alive products work?

Toddville, IA(Zone 5a)

Garden Watchdog has some pretty bad reviews for Gardens Alive but it mostly seems to have to do with order fulfillment and invoice issues. My question is whether the products work, especially Mole-Away and Lawn-Gard. The former is a granular or liquid that you use on affected areas, and the moles don't like the smell. The latter is a once-yearly granular application that allegedly kills grubs.

My mole and grub situation is so grave that, if I could find something that wouldn't poison my dogs and my family, but might give me a shot at having some ground one can walk over without falling into a hole or tripping over a heap of dirt, well, I'd be willing to drive over there and wrestle it out of their warehouse. And then there's the possibility of actually having a plant survive long enough to have a bloom or leaves as opposed to becoming japanese beetle chow right out of the gate.


The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

On another thread, I read where a mechanical device called The Black Hole was effective in killing the moles. Google it on the Internet. If I ever get the problem, that is what I will try.

If your grubs are the ones that are affected by the milky spore, then that is a good way to go. I believe that Japanese beetle is one that it works on in its grub form. It works better and better each year. Don't expect miracle results immediately. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on the grubs we have down here...

I've used Gardens Alive and was very pleased with them. When some lacewing eggs I purchased didn't seem to do anything, they immediately replaced them with fresh ones. And before our stores were carrying Iron phosphate for slug and snail control, I purchased it from them. They usually have a $25 coupon somewhere in their advertising too.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I used a product called something like Bayer Advanced Lawn and Garden Grub Control last year -- a granular product, applied with a spreader, containing Inimicloprid. We definitely had fewer beetles, but the weather may also have been a factor. Regardless, this year I put down a couple of bags of the Scott's version of the product. I'm also thinking about putting in Milky Spore (a natural control that takes a couple of years to get established in the soil), especially if I can talk a few neighbors into doing the same.

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