We have a vistor is morning!

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

I posted this in gardening for wildlife, due to the lack of knowing we had a bird watching forum. Please take a look! I'd like to know what kind of hawk he might be. Is he a Cooper's Hawk? like someone said? Do I want him to stay around? if so what do I do? or on the other hand if not, what can I do? http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/714383/

(Zone 1)

Looks like it might be a Coopers Hawk .... check out the photo's at this link:


edited to ask: It's a beautiful bird, I'm not understanding why you would not want him around. I love the Hawks just like the rest of the birds and other critters out there. We have tons of different kinds of birds visiting our feeders and yes, ocassionally a hawk or two. And, I have seen a hawk silently swoop through the trees in my backyard with a young bird or something in its talons. Sad as it may be, it's all part of nature.

This message was edited Apr 20, 2007 2:03 PM

(Zone 1)

Here's another common link to info on this beautiful hawk:


Lawrenceville, GA

I know it's nature but when I saw a hawk fly over a tree in my back yard, lower his claws and grab hold of a mourning dove, I didn't like it one bit.
They can eat all the mice they want... I'd even sacrifice a sparrow or 10... but I have my limits!!!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

LOL - Judy, I sure understand what you are saying! I got some eagle photos a couple months ago and they were dining on duck. As interesting as it was, and although I know it's nature, it saddened me to think they got the duck. I consoled myself by saying they found it already dead of natural causes.

I confess that if I see a hawk near my feeders, I go out and scare away all the birds! There are tons of rodents for them to eat!

Marlton, NJ

LOL, Judy your funny. It is awful to see them get the birds but its really necessary. I've seen them grab the Junco's here in winter and felt bad but its all part of the chain. They only backyard bird hunt about 10% of their time.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yep, Cooper's Hawk


Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

plantlady- thank you for the links. interesting reading.

It appears that they prey on birds and small animals. We have no bird feeders in the yard, however we have lots of squrriels. From what I read they some times use old squrriels nest. I'm okay with that - one less squrriel nursey. The house across the street has chickens so I'm wandering if they have chicks too. That would be easy pickings.

The picture was taken yesterday, after I posted, I left for work (s)he was in the same spot this morning. Wandering if (s)he keep watch over a nest.

I've got more photo I post tonight.

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

Just got home, I know what she is doing!!!! We are going to have babies.

Thumbnail by ghia_girl
Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

Just a few more pictures.

edited - sorry posted the same picture twice!

This message was edited Apr 22, 2007 8:19 PM

Thumbnail by ghia_girl
Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by ghia_girl
(Zone 1)

Beautiful Bird ... Yep ... she's decided to build her home near where there are easy pickins!

Lawrenceville, GA

There goes the neighborhood!

Marlton, NJ

Great pics Judy!!

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

last one

Thumbnail by ghia_girl
Melbourne, FL

Even if it means losing a few birds, it would be exciting being able to watch all this happening so close to home. Seen its' mate around anywhere?

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

Pom - I don't think so. I just notice her yesterday. I think it is the female, the female is usually larger.

Does anyone know if it is the female or male that tend to the nest?

Thumbnail by ghia_girl
Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

So that's where my hawks went...I had lots of them and then all in a sudden they were gone. Guess they flew east. Yep, they used to pluck the sparrows and doves right out of my woodpile.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

That is one beautiful bird!!!!! Can't wait to see pics of the babies!

Marlton, NJ

ghia, So far I can't find any info on which one makes the nest.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Congratulations Ghia - great photos too. I look forward to watching for the baby photos :)

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Beautiful photos ghia! The Cooper's Hawks in my neighborhood seem to stay together as a family unit. I sometimes find one sitting on my balcony railing. You can really appreciate the size of these birds when they are only three feet away from you. Ours have been helpful in pigeon control, although I'm sure they get the occasional mourning dove, house finch or squirrel. My cats like to chatter at the hawk from behind the safety of the glass slider......at least until the hawk takes an interest in them, then they dissappear under the sofa.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Garden_mermaid, how I would love to see your brave cats as they dive for cover!!! One of mine was on the deck and her sudden movement scared the deer that were down below . . . the deer taking off scared the cat and she took off, which then scared the other two cats . . . Keystone Cops!!!

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