early moving iris and roundup

Pittsburgh, PA

I put in 80 iris last fall and they are growing well this spring. Suddenly, I have to move them or have them squashed when the garage is put in. I had just finished spraying roundup on all the inactive beds to ready them for planting this year. How long do I wait until planting the iris in these beds? Since I have to move them, should I wait until May when the work begins or get them a new home now? Planning would help though it is not one of my faults. Thanks for any help. (zone 6a/5b, pittsburgh)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

I'd pot them up. This because I don't trust round up at all. Could be just me though. Will wait to see what others tell you. If not enough pots, use shopping bags. That is what I would do.

Actually, what I would do, is to have a hissy fit and say that construction can't start till after bloom time. That is just me with my iris.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Yeah, I'd probably have a hissy fit about construction interrupting bloom time, too. You are supposed (note operable word is supposed) to be able to plant safely in spots where round-up has been sprayed in three weeks. But, I'd probably pot them up too, not because of the round-up, but because I wouldn't have a clue as to where I wanted them to be placed...


Pittsburgh, PA

Potting them up is the best idea. I had threatened to strip grass off part of the lawn and start a new bed. This would allow me to move them back after this work and still not traumatize the roots yet again.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Dont 'threaten' to get rid of some grass. Go to it. Explain that less grass = less lawn care and cutting on those hot summer days.


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