potato vine

Randleman, NC

I recently got married and had potato vines and petunias mixed in hanging baskets. They were beautiful for a couple of days, then the vine started drooping. I fed and watered it and it looked better for a day, then drooped again. I brought them in and they look better. I thought they were sun loving plants, am I wrong?

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

They are sun loving, but they also need a lot of water. Is it possible that it's wilting because the they are drying out? And I assume that you have ornamental sweet potato vines and not Potato Vine Solanum jasminoides??

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I was assuming it was Solanum jasminoides, but what I'm saying would be true also if it's sweet potato. My guess is the hanging baskets were absolutely crammed full with plants so that it would look very full and beautiful for the wedding. As a result, there are a ton of plants in there that need water, and probably less soil than would be ideal for that amount of root mass, so the water that you put in there gets used up very quickly and then the plants wilt. So you can water more often, or you can separate out some of the plants into other pots so that you have a better balance of root mass to amt of soil, then you can water a bit less.

Randleman, NC

you're right, they are ornamental sweet potato vines. The baskets were very full and lush, so I'll water more often. I was afraid I'd overwater, but won't worry about that. Also, I noticed today there appears to be some kind of mold or something that looks white powdery on the leaves. What do I need to do for that?

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