Vinca has yellow leaves

Paris, TX

I saved this vinca from a friend last year. It had yellow leaves. I have repoted it this spring and the leaves are still yellow. I gave it some epsom salt. What else can I do.

Thumbnail by raggins
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

When you repot give it all new soil. I usually take the whole plant and plunge the root ball in a bucket of water. Gently shake and swish around to remove the old soil. Cut off half the roots. Place it back in it's container (cleaned up container) add 1/2 to 2/3 of the potting soil over the roots and gently pull the plant up, shaking the pot so the soil settles. Add the remainder of the soil, pull the plant up a little so the plant is just a tiny bit deeper than it was, press the soil firmly-then water, then put some time release fertiziler in the pot. Keep it in bright shade for a few days, although with vinca that is not always necessary if the weather is cool.

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