Blue Birds

Stamford, CT

We have a couple of BB nesting in our BB house for the first time in 6 years!!!
The spectacle every morning is incredible...My concern is that we have a trellis (for a clematis plant) right behind it that looks to me like a really nice ladder for any predator...Should I remove it before any massacre occurs?

Lawrenceville, GA

How small or large is the hole in the BB house? Predators don't necessarily need a ladder! So I don't know that the trellis would be a problem. But if the hole is large enough for something to fly or reach into, that's another story.
Visit for dimensions, etc.

Marlton, NJ

I'm afraid your right thats giving predators a helping hand.

Sorry Judy we posted at same time.

This message was edited Apr 19, 2007 2:38 PM

Marlton, NJ

Squirrels, snakes and racoons might be a problem; do you have them around?

You could also make a baffle for the pole; that would deter them.

Let us know if you need more help.

Stamford, CT

We do have squirrels and racoons...a baffle sounds like a good idea...I just hate to get rid of the trellis since I have a geourgous Clematis plant which blooms on it every summer...I was already thinking of the pictures I would take of the BB with the Clematis...But I rather make sure they will be around!
Thany you so much for your help!

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