no lilac blooms this year

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

the crazy winter weather killed off all my lilac blooms . the bushes are in leaf but the buds are gone. What's a spring without lilac scented air, i ask you?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhhh Beverly - I'm so sorry!!! That would be soooo frustrating. I planted my Persian lilac last year at this time so didn't get to really enjoy the blooms. I guess it got shielded enough from the horrible winds - noticed that scent today, looked over and it's little self and a few blooms on it. How long have you had yours?

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

Over 10 years for my big one, and the others wereplanted as bare-root striplings last spring.
Beverly :-(

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

That would make me upset too...I can only imagine how gorgeous your 10 yr old is!!!

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

Update: Wonder of wonders the 10 year old, Mme LeMoyne, is in bloom! Lost a lot (maybe 2/3) of her buds, but she is in full splendor of white panicles today and I can smell them all the way to my front door. She also gave birth to 3 babies (suckers?), I have to dig them out and send them to kaykay in OH.
On the down side, 2 of the 6 S. vulgaris bare-roots I planted last year did not make it (they were cheap). The others are leafing nicely; they were like 99 cents each so I guess I ought not complain. And the peonies decided to live, and the Apricot Beauty tulips bloomed; I never knew they smell like delicate roses. And every hydrangea lived! Maybe no blooms, but they all lived (a miracle, being that DH refused to cover them).

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

What great news to hear!!!

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