suffering from CHAD

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

Help!!!! I'm suffering from CHAD. ( Compulsive Horticulture Acquisition Disorder ) is there a cure for this condition? I'd appreciate any advise from others, who are in recovery, thanks hostajim1

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Wouldn't be me!!!! LOL I just spent 137.00 on a hosta order and I'm still trying to shorten my Foxfire order. Maybe someone else can help!!!


Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Jim I think that cure is called Buy buy buy! LOL

I just bought several hostas at and now have an order in with the hosta co-op here at Daves plus I am waiting for a huge order from a yahoo group co-op that my cousin and I bought together and will also order from Hallson's and Naylor Creek this year too. At a flower and garden show near me I got several lily bulbs and a few other things. Then there was the Yahoo group buy of some great tree peonies. Nope I am not a person with CHAD because I buy buy buy.

Sheesh no wonder I wear old pants and torn Tshirts for my good wardrobe. :) No place to go anyway other than to the nurseries and I sure am glad they don't mind my old clothes. :)


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Jim, I am so sorry to hear that you are afflicted. The only cure is HOSTA, Horticulture Obsession Surely To Afflict. This counter-disease cures CHAD but has its own side effects. These are dirty fingernails, a sore back, and an unresistable urge to touch the leaves of your latest Hosta acquisition. In particularly bad cases of CHAD, HOSTA tends to lead the afflicted to dab pollen on any available stigma, creating an even greater urge to grow new things. I'm not sure which is worse, CHAD, or HOSTA, but a side-effect of both is an empty wallet.


Buffalo, MN(Zone 4a)

I wondered if there was a name for it . . .I always have an extreme exacerbation this time of year and the "cure" seems to be quite expensive (and not covered by my insurance . . .)

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

Gosh!!!! it's worse than I thought. what a way to start out the day. I'm laughing at all the replies, HA! HA! HA! better go check on all my seedlings. can you guess what they are? Jim

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)


Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

largosmom, I have that too!!! is there any cure? I dabbed pollen on 600 stigmas last summer. I even have pollen frozen to use in 07. this is bad! really bad. Jim

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

If anyone finds a cure please let me in on the secret,,,lol

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

See....sure to afflict and you have it BADDDDD. ;-)

One sure-fired way to feel better is to share it. They don't call Hosta "the friendship plant" for nothing.


Bettendorf, IA

Apparently it is contagious and transmitted over the internet. A year ago I wasn't even a gardener. NOW look at me!!! Co-ops and boxes hidden all over the garage!

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Very true. I felt much better by sharing my pictures from the last year's coop and look how many people caught the disease!


Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Cure?!?!?!!! Are you all crazy? Why would we want to be cured? How boring would that be?

What would we do? Watch the same plants grow EVERY year? No new ones? *Shudder*

Indianapolis, IN

They call me The Hosta Pimp on the co-op I'm in because I'm always pushing everyone to buy hostas. LOL!!! Now THAT is bad!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I'm in trouble if there is no cure. I have 19 on order (though one is a gift). And there are about 6 more that I plan to buy locally. And one local nursery, when I asked them if they had varieties other than what was listed in their catalogue answered,

Yes we do but there are far too many to list. I am still trying to get the most recent ones into our data base. Most are not really sized up to what we like to sell yet because they are our liners from last year but they are certainly big enough to go to a new home. We will be putting the newest ones into gallon pots for mid summer sales but you are welcome to look at them when you come out. They will be in the greenhouse.

Uh Oh! (Sandy - that was Whitehouse which is close to you, LOL.)

Dallas, TX

Gee ... I dont think I want to be cured, what would I do with myself?

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Sylvia, did you ever play Tiddlywinks? LOL

Oquawka, IL(Zone 5a)

I don't think I want to be cured, either! I enjoy this time of year, and all of the pretty hostas coming up in my yard! Besides, you gotta have something to look forward to after a long, cold winter! I'm not sure if my back will handle all that I have ordered this year, but I'll make sure I have plenty of Advil to get me through it!

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Ann, I guarantee if you go in that greenhouse, you will come out with at least a $30 hosta. Beware.... especially if you have CHAD! I think that's where I first came down with the condition :-))


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

LOL Jim. CHAD indeed. I'm certain there's no cure, especially if we keep hanging around this forum!! It's very contagious.


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I just spent another 150.00 today on Hostas. I have CHAD


Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

You know you have it when you are looking at the expensive ones too. Another symptom is weight loss, because we have less money to spend at the grocery store due to our extravegant purchases. Oh, and yes, we smile a lot, especially when near any garden, ours or not. Some of us even have a comorbidity of the need to make good compost. Not everyone has that, but many do.

But somehow, we just love to be with or chat with other people with the disease. Interesting....

Avon, NY(Zone 5b)

You guys are too funny!! At least we've got each other for support lol

Clementon, NJ(Zone 6b)


Thursday I "corrected" our guide on a tour at a very large botanical garden when he misidentified a plant. I did not mean to do it but it was a color of a plant I liked BUT HAD NOT YET ACQUIRED and it was simply my CHAD taking over and causing me to burst out, rudely interupting what had otherwise been a pleasant tour. It was a sad and embarassing display of CHAD symptoms... and it wasn't even a hosta!!! I can only imagine what I would have done if it was a hosta...

Another very bizarre symptom I have is, despite the fact that I would never purchase a hosta from a big box store, I look at what cultivars they have EVERY SINGLE TIME I am at one of these stores (which is like a couple of times a week). Why do I look when I will not buy? CHAD.

Withdrawl symptoms seem to occur during the winter months. CHAD sufferers like myself attempt to deal with the symptoms by purchasing dozens of plants online. But like most sufferers, I quickly forget exactly HOW MANY have been ordered until they start arriving by the truckload.

Speaking of that, I better go plant some more of those hostas that arrived this week...


Corkscrew - One of the many hosta living in my kitchen today:

Thumbnail by AddieOtto
Dallas, TX

Sue ... you are too much! lol ... I feel the same way. You never think about how much you are buying untill the trucks start arriving on a daily basis. My caretakers immediately yell "Sylvia you got more flowers today" I hate it when they call them flowers ... for the love of me I cant get them to say Hostas! I got almost 200 hostas out there thats labled ... when they come in and say "you got a flower out there with big holes in it" I cringe ... did they not think to read the lable? Actually they are very careful what they say to me about my "flowers"! ... because I tend to over re-act they call it. I almost caused heart failure out there one day ... he was about to step on a Clematis I just planted and I screamed ... forgetting he was an old man with a severe diabetec disorder. I scared him so bad, he started spinning around and breathing so hard ... I had to get his wife. He was in tears ... literally in tears. He said he thought I saw a snake.
Anyway they are beggining to say "green Hosta and Yellow hosta. ... thats a beggining .....

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

You know what ticks me off about "non" hosta people???? When your generously giving them a precious division of your Hosta and when you go to make a tag for them they say "You don't have to do that. I don't need the name." I just wanna snatch it back if they don't care what the name is!!!! I'm careful now to make sure of who's home in my neighborhood if I'm digging in the hosta beds. I only wanna share with others like me with CHAD.


Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

everyone, I just outgrew my greenhouse and ordered 2, 11ft mini greenhouses to put my hosta seedlings in. they're in my basement un der lights and when I go down there I here. FEED ME!!!!!!! it's getting pretty scary !!! Jim

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Jim, you are definitely in the advanced stages of the disease. I've been reading about the delusional symptom of hostas seeming like real people, and also the greenhouse-buying compulsion is a classic symptom. Just remember, plants don't really talk.... it's all in your head .... it's just the disease talking. Be strong. Oh dear, I hope I can stop myself before I'm that far gone! Hang in there.


Assonet, MA(Zone 6b)

Oh my, all these years in the medical field and I finaly found a name for my condition right here on DG. What an amazing site. btw, if a cure is found, I don't want to hear about it. So nice to start a day with laughter and SUNSHINE. I'm making a "quick" stop at the coop thread due to absolute necessity and then out to plant - at last. Yaaaaa

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I don't think I want a cure either. Just more land. MORE LAND. MORE LAND

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I second that, Ann. I don't have a problem - I just don't have enough plant space!

Dallas, TX

I hear you Debbie. I hate to give to ungratefuls too. I remember when I gave Marylee and Sheila their first Hosta at the RU ... tthey just looked at me ... confused ... now they love em and buying them! Adelaide too! I dont think she ever seen one before and now she bought Rose Red! would you believe she emailed me and asked what is the Red thing I ahve been talking about. I just cant believe I make that kind of impression
I think I am going to open me up a Hosta Shop!

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Sylvia, lol you would be great at selling hostas. When you gave me that hosta though, what I was thinking was "I hope this is not a death sentence for this poor plant." I really didn't think it would survive my neglect. But it did and has come back for more.:)

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Sandy, plants don't talk?....... Are you SURE? .......Why do mine talk?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Sandy's just in denial...the final stage...LOL ;)


Buffalo, MN(Zone 4a)

I definitly need more land, too-but I could also use a slightly warmer climate (thankfully Hostas love Minnesota!). So far, my husband is not convinced that the ability to grow more plants is a good reason to move to Texas . . .

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

If you love Hostas, moving to Texas would not be the best idea. Just more space where you are.

Dallas, TX

.... not necesarly so Ann depends on what part of Texas you are in.

This message was edited Apr 23, 2007 7:51 PM

Buffalo, MN(Zone 4a)

Yeah, but lots of other things grow there that won't grow here-and, Texas gets a lot more hummingbirds . . .

Dallas, TX

DMurray ... just come on down! Be sure you move near Dallas. ;)

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