Our killdeer came back...

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

We had a pair of killdeer nesting in our yard last year and today I saw/heard a male looking for a nest site. Unfortunately, he's looking right where we want to plant numerous plants for a large screen! Don't want to discourage them since we have a desirable place, but sure wish he would go to the other side of the yard. I can hear him now - they sure aren't shy about announcing themselves.

Marlton, NJ

Hi kaperc, They are such cool looking birds. Hope they move to another spot for you.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Yes, and I hope we can get a look at the babies this year. We try to just use the binocs to keep an eye on them - checking the nest when they are off it - and last year we had eggs in the nest one day and a short time later, just eggshells. We don't know if the nest was invaded or if we just missed seeing them. I've read that they grow pretty fast once hatched.

Anyone else have experience with them?

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)

There was a nest a few years ago in a rock garden in a public park near my house, right on a gravel path. Someone made a sign so people wouldn't step on the bird and nest, and amazingly enough, I believe the 4 babies hatched. The parents just pretended the garden visitors weren't there. Incubation takes about 24 to 26 days, which is a long time, but allows the chicks to be fully mobile when they hatch, much like chickens.

Susan in Minneapolis

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

We first came in contact (sort of) with killdeer while visiting a local nursery. They also had a sign for their birds. And a neighbor told us his company had a pair nest in the middle of their driveway, so they fenced it off and made people drive around. I just love bird lovers!

We weren't sure what we had until one day the male did his wounded bird act, trying to draw us away from a possible nest site. They are very interesting to watch. The male kept picking out nest sites, which the female seemed to reject one after the other until the right one was found. Sure hope they settle in again.

Marlton, NJ

Thats so cool, I would love to see them.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I also first came in contact with Killdeer while visiting a local nursery. Since then, I have seen them at the beach (very recently), but never in my yard. Hope yours settle in and you can share pics!!

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