Snake ID please?

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

I'm new to Georgia - I knew the harmless and harmful snakes in Florida. This one doesn't look familiar. Anyone know? He's black and grey patterned - no rattle. Currently up in one of my 'bird' trees - where the little birds hang out :(

Thumbnail by Hineni
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I wish I could help you.

Here is my 4 year old grand-neice carrying a snake and my granddaughter beside her on Easter last weekend. Her father said it was a garter snake so I hope he is right.

Thumbnail by hcmcdole
Orange Park, FL

Hey Hin, that's probably a black racer. Looks to be 4' plus. If so, it's most likely a male. And if it's out and about where you can see it, it's probably on the prowl for a female racer somewhere nearby. If that's the case, you'll probably see it again a few more times before mating season is over.
they are harmless and fast as lightning. I've had a female living in a 2" piece of corragated pipe along the back fence for 3 years now. And every spring the males come from all directions. 3 weeks ago I was sitting quietly alongside the garden and a male racer slithered past about 3 feet from me.
That same week I was also sitting quietly under an open-air gazebo covered with confederate jazmin. The racer probably wanted to get past me but I probably fidgeted a bit and he was afraid to sneak past me on the ground. But then, above me he came down out of the jazmin and onto a chicken wire trellis 3 feet in front of me. I guess he took a detour to avoid me. Didn't have a camera with me at the time. Darn!
If you see him again, see if you can check out the lower side of his mouth. If it is white, its almost certainly a black racer.
I can tell you that they are really funny and have very good eyesight. Last spring while I was sitting under the gazebo I heard some rustling in the oak leaves on the other side of the fence. I peeked over the fence and there were 2 black racers canoodling.
They do have enemies. I recently saw a hawk carrying a two foot long racer in his mouth.
Don't know if they go after bird eggs, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Well, he's not a garter and he's not a black racer. He's currently contained in a lidded basket until DH gets home so I can get some better photos. One of the neighborhood teens got up in the tree and got him. He and an old-timer stated that it's a "tree snake." Never heard of a tree snake....LOL!

Orange Park, FL

does it look like this one?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

here is a wonderful site.

he looks sorta like a black rat snake

Cordele, GA

Yup, it is a rat snake. Harmless to you, although I am sure he would not pass up a meal of baby birds. The rat snakes are great climbers. I have, on occasion ,had to unwrap them from the over head water pipes at the school and relocate them. It has done wonders for my reputation as the fearless art teacher , both with the students and my fellow teachers.


Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Well, sir snake-a-lot escaped from the basket before DH could get home and I didn't get any close up pictures. I'm still not certain what kind it was - but at least it appeared rather mild-mannered and non-poisonous. I'm attaching one more that might show the pattern better, that I took while he was sunning in the tree.

Thanks for everyone's help - and that good snake site. Blmlb - very close to that pattern!

Thumbnail by Hineni
Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Yep, I think it must have been the grey rat snake. Since we have a lot of chipmunks, squirrels, birds and live on the edge of a field that probably contains field mice, he would be a logical presence.

Beth, I am not terrified of snakes (if they aren't poisonous), but I'm never real inclined to pick them up if I don't need to - so I commend you!

I appreciate you guys helping me ID the newest visitor!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I do know that rat snakes climb trees..I had one go up my oak tree in the front yard...had no idea that they were Here is a picture of a black rat snake..they are really quite pretty...for a snake..

Thumbnail by JanetS

OK, I don't mind small snakes, but if a big old snake fell out of a tree I think I'd have a heart attack. Out of surprise. I had no idea they climbed trees either!!


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Here is a picture of him going up the tree...he was a nice size snake But I have to tell you that I was looking up whenI was under the trees in my yard for several It would give me a heart attack to have one flop down out of a tree too, even if it didn't flop down on me....

Thumbnail by JanetS
Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

well, rat snake, or racer,, let him live and he will take care of any rats or mice around your house. My sister-in-law had to replace her whole heating/air conditioning system this past year because of mice destroying it. Of course, I don't want them surprising me when I walk through the yard either..LOL

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