Outlaw gooseberry?

Quincy, MA(Zone 6b)

Can you fall in love with a plant based on its name?

I've fallen in love with an outlaw.

I fell in love with the plant "Pixwell Gooseberry," because it sounded like the name of a private eye in an old-time radio show. "Pixwell Gooseberry, Private Eye."

I imagined he had a society girlfriend, who would say things like, "Oh, Pixie! Another case?"

Anyway. But then I found that I can never grow Pixie in my narrow garden. He's an outlaw in Massachusetts. Something about pine blight. No mailorder company will ship here, and I won't go on the black market.

Can someone explain Pixwell Gooseberry is an outlaw in Massachusetts?

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

After one too many hard boiled cases he turned crooked. Vergil Boysenberry is on his tale.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

They have a black market for gooseberries?

Bellingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Although this cultivar is also resistant to white pine blister rust, it is illegal to plant it in specified areas of some states (particularly in the Northeast and Northwest) where bans on Ribes species are still in force to protect large stands of white pines (certain Ribes plants are an alternate host for the disease). Missouri has no restrictions on Ribes plants.



Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Scroll down near the bottom to find info on why pine and the gooseberry have problems near each other from the university of Minnesota

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I miss the tasty red-currant pies my granny would make. And the gooseberry pies my dad would bring home from the pie shop on Friday nights.

I never understood why we seldom saw these treats in modern markets 'til I found out a few years ago about the 'ban' on growing ribes in many states because of the blister rust in the pine trees. Ribes really got the reputation as the 'bad guys' whether deserved or not.

Now it's hard to tell from googling if the ribes actually are alternate hosts for the Blister Rust, or just 'thought to be'... In any case, it looks like in Michigan it is still a No-No to plant them but other states like Mass. seem ambivalent.

Massachusetts' Bureau of Farm Products and Plant Industries regulates ribes by townships and Ribes spp. is prohibited in many places. They say contact the Bureau of Farm Products & Plant Industries (617-727-3020 x 124) for a list of towns where they are available. Maybe yours is one of them. (It looks like black currants are absolutely verboten in Mass.)


The outlaw heritage of the ribes has given them a rough time but some say they're making a comeback. I would love it if some beautiful red currants would show up at the farmer's market.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

So that explains why there are no black currants here - and why dried black currants are treated like some rare, exotic fruit. In BC, dried black currants can be bought anywhere.

Quincy, MA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, all, for the information on why gooseberries are outlawed here.

It seems hardly fair, to discriminate against gooseberries in favor of pine trees. Have you ever had a pine tree pie? Ugh.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)


Northeast Harbor, ME

Does no one remember the eating fad of the seventies. The poster child was Ewell(sp?) GIbbons of Grape Nut Fame? Well, anyway, he taught me to eat the inner bark of white pine if you ever feel the need.

Yum. Kinda in the same league with Spruce gum. And DON'T tell me you've never stepped right up to a Spruce and cut off a big hank. Those things'll last you for months if you put 'em on the night stand before you go to sleep.

Weather, you should just go to the Fruit Market in Milton in the summer. They'll probably have your gooseberries.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

A woodchuck friend of mine has similar tastes.

Northeast Harbor, ME

But, you do not understand! Sauteed....in, em....., a mushroom and dulse reduction, the cambium takes on a fresh, sparkling quality! Pair that with rock lichen braised in sumac stock and you have a heart healthy meal!!!!

Ye of little faith and experience, come!, join the rest......chew the sap, eat the gooseberry. We all have a life ahead of us!!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

As long as you eat it first.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Answering the first post in the thread - I fell in love with Halle Berry.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Is Halle your first choice for wife #2 ?

Northeast Harbor, ME

I was a vegetarian for a long time.

When I first decided to rejoin society, I went down to the shore with some friends, Pabst Blue Ribbon and lemons in hand. We ripped open sea urchins and squirted then with lemon. Suck 'em up wriggling.......

Once I decided to turn back to being an omnivore, I never looked back :)

I've eaten all of them; just never in that preparation. Come on up. My treat!

Then we'll eat pizza and wash it all down with something palatable.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Sea Urchin - mmmmmm - my favorite kind of sushi with or without a quail egg.

Northeast Harbor, ME

You can come too, Yankee.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Seandor - woman #2, not wife. She is one of many possibilities I am considering. We're about the same age too.

Quincy, MA(Zone 6b)

Watersedge, you made me laugh!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

What wine pairs well with cambium??

Quincy, MA(Zone 6b)

A cambernet, of course.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)


Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

As I remember, Ewell Gibbons died young...

Northeast Harbor, ME

I dunno. Everyone over 30 in the seventies looked to be about 80.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Sounds like the new math! I believe Gibbons died from intestine strangulation brought on by sprouting nut / fruit seeds.

This message was edited Apr 19, 2007 10:18 PM

Northeast Harbor, ME

I guess he did die in his early sixties but I think it was of natural causes. Get it? "natural" causes? lolololololololol

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

You guys! LOL

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