All in one morning

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)


Lawrenceville, GA

OK ya'll..... I FINALLY got a hummingbird in my yard last night. So post away, betterbloom. I'm back in the action!

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

See, persistence pays off in a big way Judy!

Lawrenceville, GA

I was watching attentively from my deck when I wondered if my feeders weren't blocked a bit by trees... there are gobs of trees in my backyard... so I got another feeder to hang from a branch more out in the open, and my Cocker Spaniel and I went and got in the hammock and it wasn't 5 minutes until there was a hummingbird! I actually teared up at the sight... I know that's silly, but when you think of those little things being gone for half a year and then flying all the way from Mexico to come see you again! I think it's pretty cool! Now, it'll be like a war zone in my yard for the next six months but I'm not for a second complaining!

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Glad to hear you have those little guys hanging around. I know some people say to put the feeder around trees and such but I really don't have many. My feeder is in the open with nothing around it. So which hummer did you get ? As soon as you get a few more I want pics of them eating from your hand. Give them awhile to get used to your yard and their feeder first. I just can't figure out how they go so far away and then remember where there food was a year later...that's amazing !

Lawrenceville, GA

Ruby-throated female AND male! Of course, I rushed, then to put up ALL my feeders. They also hit on my full-bloom fuschia plant.
I have a hummingbird garden full of bee balm and salvia and columbine, etc., in the front yard and keep a feeder there, too.
I am going to try to get them to eat from my hand. I got a nuthatch to take mealworm from my hand this past weekend.
Last summer, my next-door neighbor was out mowing and I kept seeing him duck something every so often... I realized he was wearing a bright red baseball cap and was close enough to my yard that the hummers thought it was more food!

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Any thing red will do it....I see them quite ofter go for the taillights on my truck. Do you have a camera Judy ? The ruby throated....a very pretty one !

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Congratulations Judy! I like the picture of you and your dog in the hammock watching them. My DH is looking forward to hammock time.

They are truly one of the wonders of nature, aren't they? When I think of them flying across all that water without stopping, it's just amazing. I wonder if they coast a little when they get a tail wind? :-)

Lawrenceville, GA

See! People who understand me! I just bought the hammock yesterday, in fact! So comfy! And yet another thing to keep me from mowing or going to the gym.
When I wrote a squirrel column for the paper a few weeks ago, people thought I'd gone off my rocker. Then this AM I was talking about how the hummers fly all that way, without stopping, and how much I enjoy watching them, how I"ve been anxiously waiting their arrival. I think folks here thought I'd finally cracked!
Better: Yes I have a camera... I'll try to get some pics soon! Especially of my hummingbird garden in full bloom with hummers all around!

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

So get off that hammock and start clicking away.........we want pics !

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Yes, do post some pics. I would love to see ruby-throats, as we don't get them here.

DH has an old-fashioned hammock and I have an upright hammock chair that has a piece I can push out for a foot rest - it's better on my back. We love to sit outside when it's too warm to work in the summer.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I have cried many times from the joy of seeing wildlife - I certainly understand what you are saying, Judy, and I'm so glad you're seeing the Hummers again. I went outside this morning in my red bathrobe (obviously not thinking!) and was bombarded - lol!!! I've got three feeders up at this time, but want to add a couple more.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

funny about the robe murmur !

Victoria Harbour, ON

Lost for words betterbloom...think it's absolutely wonderful that you are able to have these photo's to share..have a few hummingbird feeders, guess I should fill them up?
Looking at one in a gardening catalogue and they have a window hummingbird feeder..low profile $25.00..maybe I'll treat myself for mother's get what you want when you purchase it yourself..right

My brother-in-law gave me a nice digital camera ... I was looking at Lee Valley Garden Tools book the other day and thought I might purchase the Fandex Identification Bird Guide..says it fans out to display 47 north american species and large photo's of the bird which are 4" high..offers photo's of the female, nests and young ones plus quick-reference details as habitat, range, diet and status...not knowing much about birds, think I might drop in and get one..just at the corner of where I work...Sounds like a lot of info for $9.99 canadian ..if you would like one I could get it for you and ship it..feel badly you still don't have the parcel I sent last Monday or Tuesday..but let me know..and no it's not an inconvenience..they also have same guide for trees and leaves..interesting.

I'll read all the posts in this section and look at photo's..bluejay was outside my window in pines this morning..never think to take photo's..will do now though..someone said they even saw a bluebird - different than bluejay and not normally in our area...

Have a great day Sandy..and watch for the mailman...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sandy, you can log on to
think it's in the garden tool section..might give you a better idea on the bird watching's only a Canadian company

Victoria Harbour, ON

click on 'gifts' then on bookworm...think it's on 2nd page...

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Ooooh, you live near Lee Valley? Gosh, you lucky girl! It's one of my favorite catalogs and we've ordered from them before. For everyone's benefit, they have wonderful things, including tools and beautiful hardware.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I Gotta tell you. I am SO jealous of all your visitors. :((

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