chicken bones and possible meat in my compost

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

.... i did a bit of transplanting some bulbs today and wanted to put some compost at the bottom of the holes.... and low-n-behold -- i found stinky (horrendous stench) mushy stuff, and a chicken bone.
(since putting grass clippings in there and A LOT of coffee grounds.... the compost is in sort of lil balls. So i tried smashing it down, to break it apart, and that is when the Ooooz squirted out, and i found the bone)

my neighbor adds to my compost, though i never see her out there -- but i know they add to it.

my question.... is the stinky mush that was in there going to cause problems in my compost?
OH i have a tumbler, not a bin.... so it's REALLY enclosed.

I do not have a veggie garden, though i grow a few tomato plants.... i just use the compost for flowers.

b u t ..... that smell!!

I will have a talk with her tomorrow.......

any input?


Clementon, NJ(Zone 6b)

As far as I know, the reason you don't add meat to a compost pile is exactly what you discovered - it smells really really bad. And it also tends to attract local animals to your compost bin and likewise, digging in your garden if it still smells "scrumptious".

Other than that, dead meaty things add nutrients too. Bones don't tend to break down for a longgg time. I think there was a very elderly woman who lived here who added bones and seashells for nutrients. I can't dig anywhere without finding her seashells or big cow bones. They have probably been here for thirty years.

If you have ever had a patch of something grow really well, and out of character, you can check to see if something died next to it. My cats leave dead rodents around and that's the giveaway, lush growth.


Waynesboro, MS(Zone 8a)

When I had a large garden.In winter I had a spreader truck deliver a mixture of composted chickens and chicken litter and disked it in.It contained lots of bones and feathers.
The plants really loved it.
By spring it was ready to plant.I had no trouble with animals.
To the contrary I had very little damage from deer,rabbit,voles or other critters.
I am unable to do this now as most of my garden is now in daylilies.

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