tulips and rainstorm

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

Probably a silly question, but i have a bunch of tulips that look just about to bloom, and tomorrow we are supposed to get 1 to 2 inches of rain, and high winds.
should i be doing something to protect them - and if so, what?

these are my 1st tulips i've ever grown, so i feel protective. They came through the recent frosts with no help from me, though. i also have fritallaria (sp?) and muscari coming in with them, but they are so much closer to the ground i am not as worried.
(i have a lot of other tulips sprouting, but still just 3 or 4 inches, so i am not so concerned. i am wondering why none of the anemones i planted in the fall are coming up. aren't they meant to come up earlier than tulips?)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

My anemones didn't come up either. I don't know if it was something I did wrong or if we're just not suited to having them grow well for us.

For the tulips: Provided you can make it outside in this weather, you could put a large box over the tulips and cover it with a tarp and a few bricks.

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