Pileated woodpecker

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I have a new visitor to my garden. I was planting out some grapes, and I heard the sound, but figured it was one of our small woodpeckers. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw red.

He/she seems to be digging a hole, and grooming in it. I went to the house and got the camera. He probably dug for 10 mins. He would dig, then watch me, then dig, then watch me. lol I could hear another one across the yard, but that one didn't come as close as this one.

Also had a male and female painted bunting at the feeder today. They are beautiful birds. I didn't have my camera with me then.


Thumbnail by BlueGlancer

Awesome photograph. They are big birds.

I had an Indigo Bunting stop for a visit many years ago.

A Painted Bunting would be a to die for bird for me.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

That's the first pair of Painted Bunting I've ever seen. They were on the feeder the day before, and my eyes couldn't make out what they were. Today, I got the binoculars and was shocked. I'll try to get a picture soon if I can make my camera get close enuff.

The male looked like a color chart. : )


I've only seen them in books and online. Any photos you can get will be fun. What did you have at your birdfeeder?

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I just have a regular wild bird mix, like you would get at Walmarts. A few sunflower seeds, and alot of little seeds.

I went to the Tractor Supply store today and bought a hanging thistle seed thingamajig (looks like a sock), and a hanging woodpecker bar.......and another birdfeeder. (looks like a church) lol : )


We have quite a few thingamajigs hanging around here. A bird seed you might want to try that seems to really bring them in to the feeders around here is safflower seed. I pick mine up at Lowes.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I'll look for that. Thanks : )

Here, I went online and found a little bit for you to read that you might find interesting.

What I have noticed is that English house sparrows, European starlings and squirrels aren't interested in the seed so it lasts longer.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

That was interesting. Now. I'll have to buy another feeder, and try just those seeds and see what happens. : )

I have 2 pairs of cardinals, and I think 2 pairs of Bluejays. Also a few wrens and mockingbirds. The mockingbirds will eat fruit...occasionally. Most of the time, They just fly around and sing,....oh, and build nests. LOL

So glad I could help you find a reason to buy another bird feeder. Every house needs another one!

Blue jays got hit hard the last few years so I've been planting more American Hazelnut for them. That little shrub is very productive and it fruits in a few years after planting.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Now,...I gotta find an American Hazelnut. lol : )

These people have them-

American Hazelnut = Corylus americana
You are a little bit out of range for this plant but the above nursery is in Kentucky so that's not too big of a stretch to your zone which would mean any American Hazelnut you planted from them would probably have a much better chance of establishing. Me, I prefer to buy from nurseries that are in the Midwest for just this reason and I plant as small as I can get my hands on these days. Seems as if I lose fewer plants that way and within a few years, the bareroot or newly germinated seedling is the same size as a 3 gallon plant but I will have spent considerably less $$$ out the gate.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the links. : )

Today, I had 2 new visitors visiting the "church" and the woodpecker bar. A red-headed woodpecker, and one that was striped, with a little red. Might have been a common flicker, or a red-bellied.

One cardinal was fasinated by the woodpecker bar nearly all day. The pair of painted buntings were back, and 2 different kinds of doves that stay in the yard all the time. And of course, the resident mockingbirds and bluejay keep everyone alerted.

It's getting quite active out there. LOL


Ahhhhh, the painted buntings were back.

Someone sent me a link to an older thread that had some really nice photos of painted buntings in them. It was fun taking a peek.

Cardinals were my Mom's favorite bird. I know this is off topic but I found the most beautiful snow globe on eBay for her of two cardinals with one perched on the branch of a tree. It was her favorite.

The most beautiful birds to me are the painted buntings and cedar waxwings and well I love those little hummers with their jewel tone colors but I think my favorite birds would be turkey vultures, crows, and ravens. I've noticed lately several black vultures flying around. I had to look twice to make sure I was right because you don't see those around much because we're a little bit out of their range but sure enough, the birds were black vultures. Barring all the bad press those birds have received over the years, vultures are really magnificent birds. I like the way they spread their wings out to the sun to soak up the rays. Their wingspans are incredible. Crows and ravens are entertaining to watch.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I see turkey vultures every day soaring overhead. And 9 times out of 10, if I go for a ride anywhere, I will see some eating something beside the road.

We have about 20 wild turkeys in our orange grove. They are really fat and sassy. LOL We throw out alittle corn for them. I've also been seeing some bluebirds in the pasture. My DH's uncle put up a few nesting boxes on the fence posts. I haven't checked lately to see if they are using them. I need to go see.

Oh, and....I hung a few pieces of yarn out on the chainlink fence the other day, and the mockingbird is using them in her nest. lol
I do that every year. They can knit and tuck pretty good.

Vultures sure are the ultimate clean up crew aren't they! Opossums do a pretty good job too.

No wild turkeys in my imediate area but we do get escapees from the game preserve. Lots of quail and pheasants running around.

I've never stuck out yarn for the birds but I have put out other materials. We used mesh bags one year and placed cotton fabric scraps in the bags and the following fall after the trees dropped their leaves we looked around and there was color everywhere. It was pretty funny.

Blue Bird nesting boxes??? There are some people in this forum who will be in love with you for offering those. I've got a Purple Martin house up but so far no takers. (sigh)

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I've only seen the boxes one time a few weeks ago. My Dh and I were riding down in our pasture, and his uncles pasture is close enuff I can see his fence. I ask my DH what was on his uncles posts. He said Bluebird nesting boxes.

I told him to show me a bluebird, so he drove down the fence line real slow, and out in the grass foraging around were 2 bluebirds. then when we were leaving I saw one on a fence post. : )

I see some people have Purple martin houses around here.......maybe one day I will.

If you've got PMs in the area, gosh... I'd consider trying one. I have high hopes that I may be able to attract a few to my PM house. If not this year, maybe next year.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I'll read up on them, .......seems I did some time back. Don't they require that you keep up with them, or something. I don't remember.

Well, I'm getting sleepy. Chat again soon. : )

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