Need help on Sparaxis

Irvine, CA

last winter I sow the sparaxis seed and growing pretty well until recently the leaves has turn yellow. Am I over water it or just the plant going to dormancy? Could someone had grown this plant and give me some advice please. I took the pic today one plant is almost dying and the other healthy one just about to turn yellow. ( I grow this plant outside, spary water every day. They were under direct sun light but now I put them in some shade location)

Thumbnail by latsyrc18940
Tuckahoe, NY

Sparaxis is a winter growing South African plant which is well suited to your climate. As soon as it gets hotter and drier, they should die back for dormancy, which is what yours are probably doing. Keep them bone dry from now until September, then water, and you will likely get flowers your second year from seed. I am assuming the seeds were started last fall or early winter so they have had time to build up decent corms to survive their summer dormancy. You can check the corms after they have died back.
Good luck,

Irvine, CA

Thanks Ernie,yes I plant these seeds during early winter,now as it close to warmer weather,the leaves are turning yellowish pointing sign of dormancy. Although I am not suppose to move the corms to other pot, but I did transfer couple plants to bigger pot for experiment.hopefully they will bloom this winter so I can post pictures here.


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