Worms for thought

Greensboro, AL


Charles Darwin's last book was The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits.

It was a "best seller" in its day.

Herein, he determined that earthworms turn over the upper 6 inches of the earths soil every 20 years.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks for that link, Gloria. I'm a big Darwin fan and have bookmarked the site. His writing is so clear and readable, and packed with information and the results of such careful research and thought. What an amazing man!

Greensboro, AL

andycdn: I used to teach anthropology. I thought I had read everything Darwin had written. Barely scratched the surface. I felt like I had discovered a gold mine when I found that web site.

Thornton, IL

Oh yeah, you really did! Thanks gloria.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

An anthropologist! Gloria, have you ever read the books of Barbara Pym? She had a thing about anthropologists. Try Excellent Women. 'Twill make you smile.

Greensboro, AL

andycdn: Didn't know about Barbara Pym. Will check this out. The subject of humanity in all its forms, varieties, and perspectives throughout time and space has served me well as a framework for living a life.


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