Eastern Bluebirds

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

These lovebirds are nesting in the "jewels of java" house.

Thumbnail by kikisdad
Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

The house

Thumbnail by kikisdad
Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

mama bird

Thumbnail by kikisdad
Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

papa bird at the pine cone feeder

Thumbnail by kikisdad
Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

this feeding platform I mounted on the chain link fence just a little way from the house. They love the meal worms from one container and drink from the other

Thumbnail by kikisdad
Marlton, NJ

Nice pics of a great setup! Thanks for posting these kikisdad!
We all love the Bluebirds!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Terrific!!! How I wish we got those beautiful birds around here! thanks for sharing - they're such a pleasure to see.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Great pictures!! I love bluebirds but have been unsuccessful in attracting them to my
new house.The first thing I put out last year when I moved in was my bluebird house.
No takers :-( I did see three last month that seemed to be fighting over my house
but still no takers :-( Any ideas???

Marlton, NJ

Hi law, Have you been putting out mealy worms for them? Thats their favorite.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks pelletory. I did put out freeze dried meal worms last year,but they wouldn't
eat them.Maybe I should try live ones.

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

I did not have any success attracting the bluebirds until I put up several houses that could suit their needs. By that I mean proper sizing of the cavity and the opening(s). It seems they like to examine several sites and even may build more than one nest site before settling in to one. As you can see the house they have nested in is not the conventionally recommended "bluebird house". It also is not on a 4' high wood fencepost, which any predator can climb, as is also recommended by many "experts". this pair of bluebirds starting building a nest in a totally different house but abandoned it to go into the one pictured. This house is a 4 hole up/down apartment style affair but the bluebirds simply filled all the holes with nest material then laid eggs in only one. You might want to try putting up several similar houses at 50 yard or more intervals around your place.

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

Umm ..when I posted "similar houses" in the above post I meant similar one to the other of what you have, not necessarily similar to the pictured house in my posts

Marlton, NJ

Yes, law they'll only eat the live ones. The Carolina Wrens and Chickadees like them too.

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