My hippeastrums #2

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Not so big but nicely marked in red and white. I love the green throat!

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Another picture, showing the backs of the petals

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

The season is ON! I saw my first bud for the spring on this plant on Tuesday the 4th of September

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey KK,
I myself just yesterday saw my red Hippies with the bulb(flowers) on the top getting ready to bloom.

KK, could you read my post from this forum, you maybe/no will be able to answer my questions.

Your mate,


Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hey Debi,
Glad to see you here - where did you post your question? I can't seem to find it, KK.

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Scratch that, Debi, I just found it! Looks like I've been beaten to it in the answers department. I would add though that extra hand pollination is a good idea if you really want seeds, the anthers are really big so you can use your finger tips to transfer the pollen to the stigma, or you can use a cheap artists paint brush, I prefer my fingers because it is easier to get all the pollen off them to avoid accidental cross pollination, before I move to the next variety. If I am selfing a Hippy I usually take the pollen from one floret and stick it on the stigma of the next flower in the head, going right around until I get back to the first floret where I complete the circuit. It probably makes no difference really, but I get very good seed set! I usual do each flower stem twice, about a week apart, just to make sure I have caught all the flowers in a receptive state.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey Guys, Good Morning,

It's another weekend for gardening................ YeHaa!

KK, My hippy's are starting as well, mine looks healthy, I think?

Take a friend,


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Oh Yeah Debi very nice,
I'll be about a week to a fortnight behind you I think. Last Tuesday I counted 5 in bud, one showing colour. I'm not sure how many will flower this year, due to the disruption of moving house and having to leave them stuck under the Melaleuca for six months until their staging was ready. Last weekend was very nasty: Hot and windy, which kind of put the kibosh on my repotting plans for the time, but cie la vie! I've got lots to do! TTFN, KK.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hello fellow Aussies. I just subscribed. Finally had to bite the bullet as I wanted to send d-mails and there is now a limit on them for non-subscribers. Well here I am and heres my Hippies. The red are almost finished although there are still a couple of unopened buds to go, also on the pink. I have buckets of the orange ones, like in Gingers post in Aus garden forum, which are in bud but not yet flowering.
See you in Aus gardening.

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Enjoying all your blooms! We will not have any until our spring, starting late Jan. thru April. Lorine

My first today....plain but beautiful!

Thumbnail by
Coffs Harbour, Australia

My orange ones are almost open. Give me a day or two!

Love them ....more reds coming later

Thumbnail by

There is a home up in Silverdale WW that has the whole front yard under hippys....humungous ones! as soon as they bloom I will take a picture it looks amazing!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I saw one in Brissy that had over 400 orange ones in a front garden bed that was about 2 x 4 metres! It too looked stunning! I'll see if my friend who lives next door to it can email me a pic to post.

Beauty! have a great weekend all
chrissy :)

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi All,

These Hippies can be addictive!

My new nieghbours came and introduced themselves and gave me a small bunch of flowers and there was orange Hippies in them, Weed_Woman.
I will just put up a pic of one, might be the same?

When do I cut off the pod with the seeds in? The flowers are passed can I cut them off now?
I covered them with bags incase the pod burst open but that hasn't happened.

I am dying to see the seeds.......................


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Oops Debi,
That's A Lilium, not a Hippeastrum! What is more, it's lost a petal. It should have six, in two layers of three each.
Sorry to burst your bubble. Hippeastrums have big solid bulbs at ground level with thick hollow stems leading up to the flowers. Lliliums have underground scaled bulbs with small leaves all the way up the thin solid stem nearly up to the flowers. You had better take a picture of your own plants for me as now i'm not sure I've been giving you the right advice.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

LOL LOL LOL.......................

Boy I still have so much to learn................................

My Hippies are Hippies as they have the stem like you said.
Round long hollow stems with the flower.

Boy, they are alike though.......................................?

I will post a picture anyway, just to ease your mind or make me look a total fool, LOL LOL LOL.


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Debi, LOL at your orange hippies! As for the seeds. It takes awhile for them to mature. The flower heads will fall off by themselves and the bit that is left will swell. It becomes quite dry before it is ripe and the seeds are black, thin and papery. If you put a bag on too soon, they may get too humid and begin to rot, so leave it till it looks like they are beginning to dry. I'll see if any of mine are doing it, (tomorrow) and post a pic af a mature seed head when it happens.
As for Orange Hippies, mine have just opened and there are heaps more to come yet!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia


I would truely appreciate your effort..................................... :-D

I will take the bags off so I dont get any Rotting of the pod's.

You all are my savior's................................LOL


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Debi. I have a couple of swollen seed pods on the red hippies. The pic is a little blurry, but they are about the size of a 50 cent peice, but sphericalish! Some have not swollen at all, and others have lost the top completely, so not everyone gets fertilised/pollinated by the look of it.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Sorry, I've been a bit snowed under - here is a much better photo of this Hippeastrum, my first for the season

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Very Nice, KK.

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