
Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

I appear to have a problem. I can't seem to keep from buying clematis. Maybe next year I should give up plant buying during lent instead of chocolate. It would save me from impulse purchasing when I am the most vulnerable :-)

All of my lovely vines from the last few years look fantastic this spring w/ lots of new shoots coming up. Can't wait to get the new plants in the ground. Here is this spring's list of new arrivals- I'd love to hear anyone's experiences with any of these:

Bourbon' Evip031'
Comtesse de Bouchaud
Ville de Lyon
John Huxtable
Rouge Cardinal
Crystal Fountain

This message was edited Apr 10, 2007 11:47 AM

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Irish, it's so easy to become a plantaholic! I love clematis, hosta, peony, daylily, poppy, ferns, and on and on and so forth! I have six clematis sitting on my counter that I potted up last summer that will finally go out to the gardens this year... Look at it this way, you're not spending it on something that's bad for your health! :)


Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

I've become the same way! I am a new Clematisaholic. It fits in well with the other addictions: roses, salvia, and passion flowers. I agree with what Diann says...and yes, we do have something good to show for our spending. Irish, I really like John Huxtable.

I've ordered these:

Betty Corning
Princess Diana

Already have:

Alba Luxurians
Radar Love
Dr. Ruppel

Want(to name a few):

Gravetye Beauty
Sir Trevor Lawrence
Rosy O'Grady
Montana Mayleen
Little Nell

Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

I just knew you would all understand :-). DG has the best group of enablers around! Rose, I also have Princess Diana, Niobe, Rooguchi, and Dr. Ruppel (among others) and love them all. I've been dying to know more about Pistachio. What is your experience with it?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Welcome to the world of Clematis!!..LOL..we are all Clemaholics!!..
I am growing these that you mentioned:
Comtesse de Bouchaud
Ville de Lyon
John Huxtable
Crystal Fountain

VdL,John Huxtable,Solina and CdB are pruning group 3's the rest are two's..Ramona really took off great in my gardens..this is year 2 for her!! I have two of them..I planted Vdl,and Crystal Fountain last fall...and John Huxtable and Solina last Spring...those two are very vigorous as well as CdB is three years old and has already grown 8 feet and starting to set buds...very vigorous....Jeanne

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Irish, I love Pistachio! Poor thing started out as a rescue from a big box store. It was almost dead from lack of water and I remember paying $16.95 for it. No, they wouldn't even discount a dime for a brown, nearly dead plant. :( Anyway, I felt sorry for it and it has turned out to be money well spent. I grow it in full sun and it comes back every year...just beautiful. I'll try to get some pictures.

(Zone 4a)

Count me in as well.....last year I went nuts buying clematis....I have:
Dr Ruppel
Comptess de bouchard
The President
Nelly Moser

I think I planted them all when they were too young though....not sure what will happen this spring...I am in zone 4 so not much is really happening yet anyhow. I hope they do okay though...I pray they do okay LOL

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Okay, I only have two plants so far - both Claire de Lune. It's a tiny baby and nowhere near blooming, but I think I'm addicted already!

I'm wracking my brain to come up with places to put more. More, more, more! Any creative ideas for places to put Clematis?

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

You can put them anywhere you have a spot. :) Put them near a fence, put them near a down spout, put them near a rose bush, put them near anything you like that they can climb on. :)


Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

This year we planted a small grove of dwarf fruit trees, which had to be fenced. I took advantage of the fence to grow more clematis. . . . or is it that I planted the trees to have an excuse to put up a fence to grow more clematis??? 'Tis a grand obsession! I have also really enjoyed mixing them with the rhodies, and last year I started a few up some larger trees. Lamp and mailbox posts are great too.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Irish, I like the way you think . :) Unfortunately, I can't plant next to the mailbox, since our mail man doesn't appreciate bees.... so... :) I just have to find tons of other places to plant. :)


Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

Diann, It is an illness, definately an illness. I can't plant on my mailbox either due to the shape and function, but I have been eyeballing my neighbors' mailboxes for about a month now. How many normal people want to plan a raid on their neighbors' property to plant things in their yard? By the way everyone, Silver Stary Vinery is going to be having a sale beginning May 15th -- it is on the website. Yup, just call me an enabler.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Yeah, I've been eyeballing SSV's sale thingy... I want Tie Die... :) and there is a real beat red one that I want too... Oh heck, I want one of them all.....

I've been seriously considering putting up hog panels on the sides of my barn so that I can train the clematis to climb up it. :) It's cheaper than painting or residing the barn. :) Obviously, I don't have any critters that use the barn for shelter anymore, the cats prefer the recliners or beds with heating blankies in the winter. Mostly, barn has husband stuff in it, like tractor, tractor paraphernalia... :)

And yes, you're an enabler, thank you so much. :) LOL


Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Darn I should not have looked at this thread. Now I will be in trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

heh heh heh LOL

Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

Ah, but it is such a good kind of trouble. I've been slowly converting friends and colleagues into gardeners. Sometimes I feel like one of those cult people . . . "it is so lovely here, come over to the green side" :-)

Tie Dye is gorgeous!!! I'll have to add it to the list for next year. This year, I am hoping that Minuet, Violet Elizabeth, and Tetrarose will be available for the sale. I can't grow Tetra in my zone, but I am desparately wanting to try it anyway. I may have to satisfy myself with gifting it to my SIL and then going to visit at bloomtime.

(Zone 4a)

My 3 new babies this year are

Star of India
Another Nelly Moser

Acutally I just planted them today....grow babies grow!

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Dawn, where did you find Star of India? That is on my wish list.

Irish, I can hardly wait for the sale! Do you think she'll have some not listed on her web site? There are some I want but they're out of stock.


Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

Oh, me too -- so many I want are out of stock. We can always hope though. Dawn, you lucky girl. I wasn't familiar with Star of India, but I looked it up, and wow, what a beautiful shade of purple. I can't wait to see what everyone gets!

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

"You can put them anywhere you have a spot. :) Put them near a fence, put them near a down spout, put them near a rose bush, put them near anything you like that they can climb on. :) "

I'd love to put one on my mailbox pole, but it is full sun in the Houston area - zone 9a. Does anybody know if there's a variety that can take that kind of heat, right near the road and everything?

Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)


I am sure someone will come along who is actually familiar with the Texas area, but perhaps something in the Texensis Group (seems a bit too easy,doesn't it :-)? Also, I believe that I read somewhere that one of the Clematis Florida (Sieboldii
??) is good in the heat. Either way, if you keep them well mulched and maintain a good watering program and I think you'll have success. Good luck and please post pics, if you do your mailbox -- I would really like to see it!!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

DIDI Negritianka is growing fine on a south facing wall next to a patio and doing fine. I asked a clematis grower for a recommendatioin and he suggested that one. It's photos don't do it justice. It's really stunning and everyone who is in my yard notices it.

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Doss! That one looks great. We have all purples and whites in the front yard because the house is this major peachy color and the purples look great against it. So Negritianka would work perfectly!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)


Richmond Hill, GA

I've been looking for Pistachio. Can you tell me where you found your plant. I've looked at all my favorite sellers and no luck.

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Doss, I just got Negritianka from Silver Star. After seeing yours it was a must have!

The date for the Silver Star sale has been changed to the 21st. Having turned into a complete Clemataholic, I wonder if anyone else has a sale?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

You'll love Negritianka. I hope that it does well in your heat. It will certainly keep it's color in the sun which is amazing for such a dark flower.

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