Treasure found at my antique show!!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i found this little cutie at my antique show....great for my cottagey look:)

Thumbnail by sticks_n_stones
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Amazing what you'll run across now and then, isn't it? That's adorable.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

it is fun to look at, only 12 bucks out of pocket and a lifetime of memories....(grin); i always love the treasures i find down there...; maybe i should start a thread of my roundtop garden finds....hmmmm; what was even more cool was my coffee stop in weatherford texas; i always stop at the starbucks on the way to and fro roundtop....WELL, i had my convertible top down it was such a lovely day....(i also had 7 trashbags of heirloom lilies that i dug up at the house across from the bed and breakfast that i stayed at....THATS a whole nother story...); anyway, about 2 blocks down was a goodwill....i thought hey ....why not just go on in this goodwill...; i go into the goodwill and start looking at the stuff....for some reason i decided to peek in the furniture area..(i drive a 2 seater convertible that is very very very little...what more could i cram in it)....anyway, staring back at me is a little antique green metal bistro table and chairs....I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO PASS OUT....i casually walk over to the thing and it was mark 10 bucks...OMG ....then i was saying what in the hecktor heath is wrong with this thing.....well, another lady comes up and say that she tried and tried to open the table and couldnt get it to open....she also added that i might could wd40 it....she then walks away.....; then a goodwill person walks over and just opens it up for me!!!! i am still dying inside....what is wrong with this picture....; OH, i have a little 2 seater convertable that is cramed with 7 trashbags of heirloom stuff, my luggage, treasures etc....i tell the goodwill person about the car.....she prob, lets go see if it will fit...after all it is a folding table and chairs....we take the table out and i take everything out of my trunk....the table slides right in....VICTORY; i go back into goodwill buy some cute clothes...i didn't know weatherford texas had such fashion plates....; i buy my things and go to my car never thinking that the chairs WOULDNT fit.....AHEM, they wont fit.....arrrrrgggghhh; more determined i have the 7 trash bags, my luggage etc out on the parking lot....; i guess now i might as well tell the rest of this stupid story....the little 2 seater car happens to be a bmw z4 convertible; i said it, and now you can REALLY see the ridiculousness of this WHOLE picture....finally, i am very determined ....even if the dang chairs have to hang out the top i am going to get the dang things to west texas PRONTO....i finally tried to put the chairs in the front seat....WHOOO HOOOOO victory...they fit!!!! with a little more forcing etc....i got all of this in....made it to wasted texas only to have to run around my yard while it is snowing trying to get all my plants you think i will ever forget this trip....OHHHHHNOOOOOOOOO

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm conjuring up some remarkable mental images while reading that story... I can sympathize! I manage better with the cargo space in our CR-V, but it's amazing what I managed to bring home in the trunk of my previous car... did I say "in the trunk?" That was a mis-wording... say, rather, tied on and half dangling out of the trunk... probably looked much more precarious than it was because I use a LOT of rope!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

critter....what is even funnier is that i have a HUGE suv....but i hate driving it cause it really jinxs me and it gets such crappy mileage(i am so cheap)....; if i have it i find NOTHING....if i have the 'little car'....i find EVERYTHING; we are such funny creatures.....; hubby sez that is why he bought me the little 2 that i would stop dragging stuff home....he he...; he just doesn't know girls like you and me!!!!

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

LOL - my DH went with the flow and agreed that I should get a station wagon. It's the best vehicle I've ever had, although I do feel guilty driving such a large car when it's just me. But a rubber mat in the cargo area and I am good to go!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, gotta love those rubber mats! We didn't order the cargo area liner when we bought our car, but the dealer threw it in... and now I wouldn't be without it! I've been hauling some rocks back from a local construction site, and it's much easier to pull out the liner and shake it off (or hose it down) than it would be to get out the shop vac for all that dirt and dust!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

those rubber mats are a lifesaver and car saver for sure!!!!

critter what on earth are you hauling rocks for?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Stepping stones! :-D

I want to make some pathways so I am not the only one who knows the "secret way" through the garden.... Currently, the only way anybody feels like they can walk into that jungle without stepping on something precious is to follow right behind me like a game of follow the leader.

I'm also trying to amass enough longer, more narrow rocks to stack up for a low stone wall in front of a bed near the house. We'll see how far I get. I've used rocks like that to make a couple of small raised beds (like bottomless planters) behind two of the boulders that surround the patio, and they're also really nice for lining the edges of beds. The granite around here tends to break in fairly straight lines/planes, so it's possible to find rocks shaped roughly like big, elongated bricks (think "loaf of bread" only with a flattish top).

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

What a funny story! It reminds me of a shopping trip that I took with my younger sister. It's one for the memory books and always brings a smile. Enjoy your great finds!

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

C'mon over, critter - you wouldn't believe how many large, flat rocks are in this area.... people have the little stone walls all over the place. Of course, I get greedy and try to get ones that are just too big for me.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

critter....your names sounds like some kind of archeologist...was just wondering about the stones....maybe i could be rustologist...hmmmm;

daltri....gotta love these you will never forget that trip with your sis....

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

And how many people were wondering why the lady in the BMW was shopping at Goodwill? Hmmm? I love it!

I have a Toyota Matrix, and it's pretty good on gas, and I can put all of the seats down (except the driver's, of course!) and you wouldn't believe the amount I've packed in there! I can get 8' boards into it.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

How do you think they can afford the car? They shop at goodwill! ;-) Just kidding. My older sis said the thrift stores are the "in" place to shop.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Retro chic!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i have always been a junker....; and yes, i think some of those old bags driving those nice cars are EXTRA cheap;....which i HATE....; but i have to tell a little secret ......i stopped at a nursery and a lil ole man and lady running it....i was asking about some plants and he said he might be getting them lord willing; he said members of his family have gotten ill recently and that they had fallen on some tight times....; i could have bought a plant and wanted ALL of them, but instead i left him money....; broke my heart for he and his wife....her ms had recently relapsed....i can so relate i have lupus and mine has recently relapsed...but thank the gods i have my garden it has saved me; ....but it drives me crazy when these old bags that have money when the price is already dirt cheap and they try to bargin them down more...I hate that; ....i am thrifty but i am not cheap and god has blessed me beyond words....but it is not in material is with my hubbie, doggies and kitties and my sobriety(22yrs worth)......i just love this forum too he has blessed me with YALL

This message was edited Apr 11, 2007 1:19 PM

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

A good deed never goes undone, some rewards are just delayed. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sticks, I know just what you mean about people who cross the line way into "cheap" -- like folks who badger the volunteers running a charity shop, trying to get them to cut already inexpensive prices in half... and I'm not talking about people who really can't afford the extra $2, either.

Pagancat, I think I've been working my way up to bigger and bigger rocks... I do try to stick to sizes that aren't too heavy for me to handle, but my wrists & elbows informed me after the 3rd load this weekend that I was overestimating my abilities! There were some really nice ones that would've herniated me trying to get them over to the car... I considered making DH come back with me to get them, then realized I really should just stick to ones that I can move by myself -- since he won't be helping much with putting them into position either!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

critter least you wont have to go to the gym for a while(grin)

as for CHEAP people; i went to this garage sale once and there was a huge box full of cd's....the man asked how much....owner said 10.00...the man tryed to get her to come off that price....finally i said, heck i will take them for 10....i didn't want them but that was a ridiculously low price....when he didn't want them for 10 and left i told the owner that that was a great price and that if someone else wanted the box for 10 i would be glad to relinquish...sure enuf someone stepped up and said i will buy it for 10....

another time there was a lovely crystal pitcher for 3.00 at a sale; this lady asks if they will take 1.00 @@!!! i kept my mouth shut but i was amazed...

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Sticks - I love the Toter! I've never found a 'great find' at the garage sales or 'goodwill' stores. But I do occasionally find little finds that make me smile and that makes it worthwhile.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I have to admit I've been known to make those sorts of offers at garage sales, especially towards the end of the day on item's I'm not sure I "really" need... There's just sometimes a difference between what something is worth and what I'm actually willing to pay for it (some things like glassware I'm willing to pay more than their actual worth if I like the piece) and if they don't work for me when I bring them home, they go into the box for the next Purple Heart pickup (which reminds me -- they're doing a pickup tomorrow, so I need to round up a couple of boxes I've been stowing thing in for them).

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

toofew, "little finds" count too! I stopped by one of my favorite charity thrift shops on Saturday and found 3 little cordial glasses in the pattern I have from my Grandmother... in her house, they were known as "whiskey glasses" bec. that's what the men would use for their after-dinner drinks... I know everybody in the family likes those little glasses, so although I've kept the original ones that were passed to me, I've found ones just like them to give away (have done the same with some of Grandma's favorite pickle dishes and glass serving bowls). Better yet, they were celebrating Easter with a half-price sale, so I got them for $1 each! (They'd be $4-5 each in a "regular" antique shop.)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

so critter ...where did you say you put those boxes? and where do you live ? and what time do you put them out? grin

critter...i am not talking about end of the day haggling...i am talking about we walked right in the first people....; also, that cd box had like new 40 cd's in it...; that was .40 cent a cd....; i do some haggling here and there....especially if i really don't need it?....guess i dont need anything , but if i really really really dont need it...(grin) is the memories rather than the thing alota times for me too....i will never forget this trip cause of that goofy table and chairs what a nut case i am :)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

here is the table and chairs in my cramped up laundry room....still can decide if they are going to....i truly want to sit out with them and drink coffee at work, but i really don't need them i am not sure where they will go..

Thumbnail by sticks_n_stones
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL, like you would pick through boxes left out for a charity donation -- riiiight! LOL

Oh, I know just the sort of thing you're talking about -- some people are so into getting a "deal" that they don't stop to realize that the price is already unreasonably low... or they're just trying to take advantage, plain & simple.

I've never sold stuff at a yard sale. DH pointed out that not only is it not worth the hassle of dealing with some folks, but for the most part we'd come out ahead by donating stuff and taking the tax refund for it.... I believe values for things are right there in the tax software, so that makes it really easy.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, I love that little set, and I see why you couldn't leave it behind! It's nice to have something that can just "tuck in" & fit nearly anywhere, and what a bonus that the pieces all fold up too!

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

sticks, I love the set. Very cottagey!

I have a little cafe type set on the back porch, but if I can figure out dimensions, I plan to put a couple of old rocking chairs out there instead. Have to sort of redo the floor first, but nothing like sitting on the back porch, is there? I've been doing as much of it as I can -- soon it will be TOOOOOOO hot. :(

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I've had several garage sales with my family members, but now that I own a house I donate the items and use the tax write off. My family members still try to talk me into doing another one each summer, but it's just not worth the hassle when you can get more from the donation!

Sticks - I like the little set. It's cute and definitely a bonus that you can fold them up and store them if you need to.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

{{{{adrenaline rush}}}}} i just got to work...and we were burgualrized....we are thinking it was kids as all they got were boxes of candy...didnt steal the computers, dvds, cash nothing but the candy.....i am a wreck....eeeee

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

ok got my composure back somewhat....have eaten my way thru the last adrenaline....we think we got them on survelance camera...AND we think they did it in broad daylight....; we got busted into about 3 or 4 months ago....all they got that time was change about 150.00 worth; have i seen it back....oh no, it went up his nose....

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

brig...are you the reason i have bought lemon grass? in someones photos they were talking about lemon grass.... i loved the look so i am adding it to my cottage beds....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yikes! Having your work place broken into is more than unsettling, even if only candy was taken... hope the survelance photos let the police put a stop to it.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

wow tell me about i am a major stressball; i am sitting here trying to calm by thinking of container combos that i need to put together after this weekends last (hopefully) cold spell....; they turned off our electricity(smart kids)...but our security camera is also battery backed....can't wait to see the little culprits on screen....; we got busted into about 2 or 3 months ago...thats when we decided a camera might be a good investment...

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

critter...does your name mean you have alot of critters...or is that your profession?

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Ok, I've got to tell of the one 'big find/good deal' (for me) that I passed by. sniff

This happened about 10 years ago.

Hubby is 1/2 Hawaiian and we had been talking of how much fun it would be to have a 'Luau' each summer for friends and family. But at the time we didn't have much money. So, garage saling a couple weeks after that, I came across an older couple who had everything, and I mean everything for a Hawaiian Luau. But it was the real stuff, bought in Hawaii in the 50's. So it was going for $$$$. Actually, it wasn't selling and while I talked to the nice wealthy woman, she came down in price, but it was just too much at the time ... I didn't even have that much money on me. Later, I talked to hubby ... of course he said, go back and buy it. It was gone the next day.

If only I had been more like you Sticks, I would have that great Hawaiian set and years worth of Hawaiian Luau's. It was a lessoned learned.


Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

twofew...don't you just hate that? i have had some of the misses and i hate it as i usually end up trying to recapture the 'loss' and end up paying more than what i would have gotten the item for when trying to gather it piecemeal....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I do have some education in critters (undergrad in bio sciences, graduate degree -- masters & ABD, "all but dissertation" LOL from dept. organismal biology & anatomy), but mostly my DG name reflects a lifelong fascination with all sorts of critters! Before I get a lot of Dmails, let me say right away that I know very little about insects... now, if you wanted to know about tide pool critters, I'd be your gal!

I'm not working outside the home presently, but I'm hoping to eventually get back to teaching. I do put "critterologist" as my occupation on my income tax return... I think it's much more descriptive than "housewife!" DH doesn't put "systems archetect" or "software engineer" either -- his occupation get submitted as "code wrangler." I wonder what the IRS agent will make of those titles should we ever get audited...

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a) very impressive...; and i love the way you are utilizing your education....putting down a walk path....; (grin); i guess i am utilizing my education too....bachelors in MIS; masters work in instructional technology....OK here this:!!!!! you need to perform!!! you need to get greener!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL.... well, life does have a way of taking you down unintended paths.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Sticks -- I know this is late but I hope you are doing OK. I've never had anything like that but I'm sure it's scary. I hope you catch the culprits.

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