how's it going in 4?

Groveton, NH

how is it going in zone 4? have any of you started your peppers and tomatoes yet ? are they doing well? i have some 2' of snow out there. and its 20 F. tonight. so it looks like a long haul. i'm in stark, coos county, n.h.

(Zone 4a)

I am in zone 4 and I haven't done any gardening outside yet....daffs came up about 2 inches before it snowed again and I haven't seen anything else.....

Alfred, ME(Zone 4a)

Nothing doing outside here either. Have over 1800 seedlings growing under lites. Still have snow cover and more on the way. Spring won't spring. The peppers and maters got started last wk. and have all germinated . Usually they don't get planted out till around M-Day or there abouts. Still too wet and muddy out to even think about tilling up or anything. kdcon

(Zone 4a)

Still haven't done a thing outside - still too cool. However the weather is suppose to get warmer starting now - at least above freezing with some sun....that should be nice. I hope no more snow is on its way - we just got rid of the snow from our last little snow fall.

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