Janet's "children"

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Janet, here's a picture of your babies. They're doing good, in spite of the frost. The rest of them is in another temporary parking place in front lawn. Can you tell from just the leaves what they are? I can take a close up of each and send it to your Dmail.
You really have Creeping Red Sedum???
Thanks again,

Thumbnail by TulipLady
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, I can tell you what they are if you take close ups of them...lol Checking on the sedum....I have several types....did you plant the sedum I gave you as well? You left the wandering jew the red one, lying where we dug it out...lol we were really trying to get done weren't we...it was soooo hot!!

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Ooooh, is it dead now? I'm so sorry. YEAH, it certainly was hot that day! I jumped into the shower as soon as I got home. What a difference with past few days huh? What gives here in Georgia. I keep on telling everybody back in Holland that it's ALWAYS hot and Sunny here! The weather is like kids: they always make a fool out of you!
I'll take a bunch of photo's in few days of each plant, maybe you can tell me what it is. Yes , there is 1 sedum in front section here and I have 2 more in front lawn. One Lantana I placed in large pot and already getting little greeny leaves.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

It didn't matter, I pull it out all the time..lol I was asking about the ground covering sedum, the tiny leafed one...it gets little yellow flowers all over it in Spring/Summer...it was beside the driveway.....I told you to lay it on the ground and just put dirt on top and it would grow..remember...lol I think it is very similar to the red you are interested in...

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I remember now, yes I put that out front. It will be temporary but at least it's in the ground.

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