Some shade suggestions for slopes please

Roswell, GA

I have two spots in my yard that are pretty sad and need something to cheer them up.

I live in Roswell on a heavily wooded lot. The front of my yard has a fairly steep slope up to the street. Deep shade at the bottom, full sun at the very top. I'd say I need something for dappled shade in between. I'd like a vine of some kind.

In my back yard, I have a miniature hill. Right now it has an ugly overgrown juniper that I'm having taken out, some ugly monkeygrass (I hate monkeygrass) and some miscellaneous weeds and nettles. This area gets dappled shade too. Someone suggested mountain laurel, but I was told that can be difficult to grow. I can't get out to tend to things, so I need something pretty easy, but I used to love to garden so I'm picky and want something interesting.

Any suggestions you can give me would be greatly appreciated!


For deep shade there is the old standby cast iron plant. It looks as good or better than ye olde monkey grass most of the time. There is sweet box, and also rhodea which is interesting and carefree but expensive.


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