Davidsonia pruriens

Fulton, MO

I found this obscure small tree on the TopTropicals website. There is no PlantFiles page for it. It is supposed to make a good container plant while young. The fruit appears to form on the trunk somewhat like Jaboticaba, and it makes a good jam or dry red wine.

Does anybody have any experience with this tree?

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

lol yeah, I have like ten of them in the grhouse-they make great wine and its the only kind that I will drink now. Thinking of getting into the wine business....

yes I am kidding-sorry-my brain is somewhere, just not on my head-tired of having to cover all these annuals outside and heading out now to do it once again. Another night in the upper 20's-just when we were so close to warm weather with the 80's that we had a week ago. I do think though that this is the last of my winter blues meltdowns. :)

Fulton, MO

Har, har. I'm getting you one.

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