Need Poppy help...Quick please!

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Hey. I'm in Georgia 7b. I was wondering if it would be a benefit to germination if I planted my poppy seeds today so that they would have the next 3 nights of really cold weather before it warmed up. And should I just sprinkle them and press into the dirt so they are uncovered and get the light? I've heard mixed info. on sowing and was hoping I could use this dreaded cold front for something good. I've never grown poppies and have heard so much bad info., I'm afraid I won't be successful. I need and elementary A,B,C plan for Dummies! I love them so much!

Also, I have some of the opium poppies as well (didn't know until I had purchased from ebay - they have the BEST pods!). Anyway, I just want to make absolute sure that I won't be in any trouble from growing these. Believe it or not, I have an ex- narcotics cop across the street from me! HA HA. Nice neighbor, but don't want him to have to drive by these each day and them start "keeping an eye on me". LOL.

Please help!
Thanks in advance,

Chickamauga, GA(Zone 7a)

Yes, your poppies would benefit from the cold and freeze/thaw of the ground. Opium poppies are also known as peony flowered poppies and some policeman get excited about them, but just tell them they are breadseed poppies, which I often harvest. Contrary to many ideas, I sprount mine in the house under lights in peat pots and then put out in a few days. They often reseed. They are so beautiful and the pods are gorgeous. I often pinch the tops out to make the plant stouter.

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