Help...Alionushka, Constance... Or?

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Please help me decide what to order. Don't know much about them but I'm wanting a light or bright pink Clematis that is the small bloom, nodding bell type. I really like the light green colored foliage on Constance but it has a very short blooming period. Is the foliage and bloom color on Alionushka very similar in coloring to Constance? I've also read that the Alpinas(Constance) don't care for the heat which we get a lot of here in north Texas. Thanks and I'm open to any other suggestions.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Rose Might you consider the "Texensis" variety since there are originally from Texas?...Jeanne
Princess Di
Duchess of Albany
They are type 3/hard prune and very vigorous...some call them nodding/tulip type....

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks for your help, Jeanne. I have looked at them and especially like Princess Di. I am getting a cutting of PD from a friend. So far, I have Rooguchi(my favorite), Niobe, Pistachio, Radar Love, Alba Luxurians and a dark blood red colored one am thinking might be called Pitcheri. I am wanting a pretty hot pink or light pink climber that nods downwards. How about Etoile Rose(it's Texensis?) or Confetti? Also, what about the red, Gravetye Beauty or the pale pink, Betty Corning? I think Betty is even fragrant. I'm afraid the Clematis can be as addictive as roses. :)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Etoile Rose is a viticella/texensis type...hard prune...I think you would like both Betty Corning and Confetti!!...Jeanne

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Princess Diana is now on my "want" list, she's beautiful.

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

It is SO hard to decide...I want them all! There is a pretty pink Japanese one called Hanajima but I don't think it is a climbing type. I'm not sure what to do with a bush type. Could you grow it in a container? Has anyone grown Hanajima?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Rose: It depends when you want your Clematis to bloom. Alpinias & Macropetalas bloom in the Spring, before the temps soar. The Texensis varieties love the heat and will bloom at the same time as your Roses. Some of the shorter growing varieties are excellent as container plants. Some varieties like "Alionushka" can be trained to grow up through a shrub or can scrabble through your garden as a ground cover. Clematis are so versatile and come in so many different colors, shapes & sizes that you want to have them all in your garden. Sooo, take the plunge and just jump in and order the ones that appeal to you the most. They will be stars in your garden before long!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I have etiole rose and love it but... it's liable to get powdery mildew at the end of the season. I spray it with Messenger before it mildews and that takes care of it though. It's definitely easier to grow than Duchess of Albany. I don't have a Princess Di - but it's very pretty, isn't it?

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Shirley. I'm thinking the Alpinas won't do as well here and I should stay with types like Texensis. Doss, Rose Etoile is gorgeous! I may order it since it shouldn't mind the heat too much.

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