Sundog gh assembly

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

My husband has started putting my 9 x 12 Sundog greenhouse together. We first did an inventory and all the parts were there. The base is down, most of the sides are complete and the roof is together. He should have it completed by Saturday!


Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

The roof

Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Some of the sides

Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I built one of these by myself last fall--here the thread describing my experience if you didn't see it when I originally posted it. Yours will go better I'm sure because you have help (and all the parts you're supposed to have!). But some of the things I learned along the way may still be helpful...

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

I read and printed out your post before we started it:-).


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

That greenhouse is looking good. I almost bought one of those.
Is it pretty easy to put together?

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Carol it hasn't been too difficult to put up, my hubby has done most of the work alone. My neighbor came over today and helped put the roof on. We're almost done!


Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

another view

Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

neighbor using his head:-)

Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

LOL I just love the pic of his head. I can see me doing that too. Actually, I think I did something similar when we put up my greenhouse too. LOL Looking so cool!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

love that last pic to-but i think i would have used my hands too ;)

Congrats on your GH you will love it!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Looks great!

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Notmartha this is my second greenhouse, I sold my old one. This of course is wider, longer and taller than the one I had before. Today should be the day for it to be finished!! Thanks Carol and ecrane3.


Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

It does look great!! Congrats!!

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Most of the plants are in their new home, but there will definitely be some moving around. I ordered some plant hangers and am going to get more shelves. It's like being in a house after living in an apt, it's big, well compared to what I had:-). My hubby and friends worked ALL day on Saturday getting it finished. I was out at 8pm, moving hoyas in. We're still having problems with the doors, but other than that it's all good!! He started building a sprinkler system to go over the top and will also be putting the shade cloth on soon.


Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Looks great! I wish I would have had enough space to get the 9x12 one but had to settle for the 5x9 instead.

Can you tell me how you got the vent panels attached? I never did figure that out on mine, it looked like there was a little slot that the top of the panel should have slid into but I just couldn't get it to go, it wouldn't fit no matter what (and there was nothing in the instructions indicating how they should attach, so I was sort of winging it) I ended up taping them onto the greenhousefor the winter. I don't really need the vents to open since I won't keep plants in there during the summer, but I'm afraid the tape won't hold and they'll blow off in a windstorm next winter so if I can get them attached right that would be great!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Those plants look happy in their new home! I bet it would be like moving from an apt. to a house, LOL Yeah, that is what it was for me too. I went from a 4' x 6' to a 6' x 12' and now I can walk around in it, LOL

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

ecrane3 your problem sounds like the same one we were having, and what I told my hubby was it needed a automatic vent opener. I didn't originally order any, but I just placed an order for 1 tonight. I don't want my nice humid air going out of the windows:-), I just need one window open to help the evaporative cooler that I use. Maybe you can help me with my door problem, they don't slide very well on the track, and they don't close, there is about 1 inch that's open between the doors. Carol I understand what you're saying, it's such a difference being able to actually walk into and around the greenhouse. Until I get my plant hangers, I really can't do too much rearranging.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

My doors slide fine on the track and don't have a gap in the middle, but I had to lean a wire shelving unit up against it all winter so that they didn't flap up and down with the slightest breeze. The top is anchored in the track but not the bottom, so any wind makes them move (I get a lot of wind here, so I was afraid I'd see them ripped off the greenhouse and flying across the yard...not to mention the cold winter air that would have got in after that!) The gap I can't help you with, if you need to get rid of it maybe you could buy some pieces of foam or something and glue it on the end of both doors, then that should close the gap. And for the sliding are you sure you have the track on right side up? I accidentally put it on upside down or backwards or something the first time and the doors didn't work very well, but when I flipped it around it worked fine.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

ecrane3 the doors are on correctly, I remember you said that in your post, so I had hubby check. I just sent an email to the place I purchased mine from asking them about the problem, I'll let you know when I hear back.


Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

ecrane3 this is the response I received from the place I got my Sundog from:

I have contacted the importer and am waiting to hear back. As soon as I do, either I will call you or I will have him contact you directly so that we can get this taken care of as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience in this regard and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Best regards,


Customer Support and Sales

If and when I hear back, I'll let you know what was suggested.


West Bridgewater, MA

Looks like you'l have a great place to play.

Looks very nice. Your husband did a good job and Fast!

Best of luck,

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks keywest5, I'm really happy with it. My hubby has almost finished with the sprinkler system he is making for the my greenhouse!


Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

rear view

Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Everything is all finished, shade cloth is on and the sprinkler system is working!!


Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow, what a setup you have there! Geez, come to my greenhouse and do it, LOL
Looks good. Does it keep it pretty cool then?

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Carol it actually stays really nice, but humid. I grow hoyas which thrive in heat/humidity and they dont' need a lot of sun, so it's the perfect set up.


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