Newbie greenhouse question

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

I have a small, 8 x 8 x 6 portable greenhouse. Stupid me, I moved my plants out there on the 1st of April forgetting that I live in Michigan and just because it's 70 one day doesn't mean it won't be 25 the next.

I put a space heater out there because it was supposed to drop to 19 last night. When I went out this morning, it definitely felt warm (above 70), but my thermometer said 48. I thought my thermometer might be broken so I put another one out there. This one is a remote that has a base unit in the house. Right now it is 46.8 F out there according to the remote sensor. It is 28F but the wind chill (really feels like) is 13F.

I don't have anything REALLY tender out there. I have some morning glories, cedar saplings, pussy willows and that's about it. I moved them out so I could start my annuals in the basement. I really don't have room to bring them back in. At what point should I bring them in and cover every flat surface in my house??? Do I need to worry if it stays above 40F in the greenhouse? I just don't want to waste all that time/money/work on my babies if they are going to freeze!!

Thanks so much,

Fulton, MO

I think you'll be OK if it stays above 40F. Be careful about overwatering, however.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I agree--I had a whole greenhouse full of tropicals all winter and the temp overnight frequently went into the 40's and everything was fine, even things like my Plumerias.

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

Thanks for the replies. I ended up bringing everything inside and putting it in the basement. The temp dropped to 36F (by 8:30pm) inside the babies were starting to look stressed. It's supposed to be colder by 2 or 3 am..

Maybe next week, lol!


Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

I have a 6x8 greenhouse and I put a couple of heat lamps in it and my plants stayed pretty good even in that really cold weather we had a few weeks ago when it got to 18 one night. The greenhouse stayed around 45-50 degrees. I have had seedlings out there since Feb 1st. I lost some things this spring but I don't think it was because of the temp in the GH.

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