Fear the frost?

Smyrna, TN

I planted quite a few quart to gallon sized native shrubs last fall. Most have started to leaf out- oak leaf hydrangea, fringe trees, american hazelnut, viburnums, new jersey tea, blueberries... The forcast is for 4-5 freezing nights. Will this kill my shrubs or just set them back? They are heavily mulched.

I suspect this wunnerful wunnerful weather we are all enjoying won't kill off your plants. They've had some time to establish. You may lose some bloom buds but leaf buds are probably ok.

Heavily mulching is a good thing in my eyes because it can help stave off the negative effects of rapid freeze/thaw cycles.

Smyrna, TN

Thank you for your reply. Everything looks terrible right now, but I am hopeful. My garden had put on so much growth so fast this year. I had never seen a spring like it. Anyway I am hoping that the roots are still healthy and ready to try again. Do you suggest applying an organic fertilizer any time soon? I had applied a couple of inches of leaf compost, so I am guessing it is not necessary.

You listed out all native plants up there. They're pretty tough. I don't think I'd fertilize them if they were mine.

Here's a photo from this morning of some of my tulips to bring a tear to your eye-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium
Smyrna, TN

What a shame. At least I got to enjoy my daffodils before the frost. Well this will be my last post- at least for a while. My subscription expires today. I don't get to spend enough time online to justify the cost right now. Thank you for the kind responses to my newbie questions. Alicia

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

I missed this one...sorry! I agree with Equil, your plants should be just fine. Anything that had started to bud, as in flowering will probably be lost, but otherwise, everything should be fine.

We had snow this morning when we got up. I hear up Equil's way they've got a lot more than us and more predicted for tonight. Ours was just a dusting and raining outside right now. Cold too, it's 38 out now. brrrrrr...........

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Alicia, you've got my phone # and e-mail address, so keep in touch. Are you planning on this weekend? We leave in the morning.

Smyrna, TN

I am still hoping to go. We would go on Saturday if we do. It would certainly be a pick-me-up.

Tee he, oh what a difference a day makes.
Same tulips this morning at around 7am-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

Throughout the day, I'd say we got hit with another 6". I'd take a photo of the tulips but nothing of the plants would show as they are buried.

There are bloom buds and leaf buds. The leaf buds on all of your plants will probably be perfectly fine. Depending on the species, the flower buds may or may not be fine. Worse case scenario is that you may end up with a plant that doesn't bloom this year. I'm pretty sure Terry meant you'd lose the blooms only if anything.

So what's this I am reading? Are you two getting together soon? What fun!

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

She's just north of Chattanooga and I had told her about the plant sale last fall. Hoping to meet up with her this Sat. Her subscription expired, so she's gone ;(


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