What is your favorite bird song?

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Is your favorite the melody of the robin, oriole, or rose-breasted grosebeak? Or do you love the whip-or-will at night, the sound of loons chortling, or woodpecker cackle? Or the thrum of a humming bird as it flies by your red can of soda on the deck?
If I had to pick one, it would be the sound in the summer. In the trees, in the woods, the little plain bird that is hard to spot with the beautiful hollow flute-like song---the wood thrush. Oh, I just love to hear him sing.
What is your favorite?

Marlton, NJ

Wow, thats hard to answer. Our male House Finch are singing beautifully this time of year.
I also like all the different calls the Mockingbirds are making.

I'm trying to keep my ears open for Flickers.
It all can get pretty confusing.

Theres some beautiful calls I'm hearing that I'm not familiar with so I'll have to pop my bird CD back in to figure out who it is.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

This is a tough one, I don't think I can narrow it down to one :) And I'm such a newbie to it anyway...haha.

The call of the Pilated Woodpecker still gives me goosebumps and makes me run outside to try to catch a glimpse.
The lusty, love-of-life call of the Carolina Wren first thing in the morning always makes me smile.
The tiny sounds that a Calliope hummingbird makes while feeding.
The fussing noises that chickadees make when I'm a mite too close to the feeder for their liking, but they come eat anyway.

Most humorous....the red bellied woodpeckers pecking on all of our neighbors metal gutters every morning - early...lol!

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

The woodpeckers found that an overturned canoe on a rack makes a delightfully loud mating call. That is one I don't like. Also do not like the sound of black birds, starlings or bluejays, although redwings, and ravens are not too bad. The piliated woodpeckers always make me stop and look too, as well as the loon, sandhill cranes flying over, and whip-or-will. Although many years ago my Dad was driven nearly mad one night by a whip-or will, going non stop, by his window while he tried to sleep, Yet, I still like to hear them.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Wood Warbler



Marlton, NJ

That is a nice one Resin.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

That is a nice one. (I have dial up and still was able to get it). I would say it is quite tweety, or should I say.... warbley.

Marlton, NJ

I forgot how much I like the American Goldfinch. Theirs is a very sweet sound.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

And they are really cute too.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

We attended a birding symposium this spring and they gave out free CDs of the birdsongs in Ohio (about 200 bird songs).

I think the song recordings are based on this site which is a data bank of animal sounds collected by Ohio State University.


I have been trying to learn the songs by listening to the CDs while cleaning and doing dishes and it is driving my cats crazy!

So far no favorites, but the birds singing outside our bedroom window is lovely therapy.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

That is a hard question, but the Wood Thrush and Hermit Thrush are favorites. Mockingbirds at night are great, but the Brown Thrasher is my favorite mimic. There's a Vireo with a really funny call, my brother used to imitate it when we were kids. I can't remember which one it is now, it sounds kind of like a Nuthatch.

I guess the House Wren is the best one I hear around the yard. I have a proper Wren house for them and they moved right in, three years so far. That reminds me, I should check the box.

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