Shredded Umbrella Plant (Syneilesis aconitifolia)

Hanover Twp., PA(Zone 6a)

Shredded Umbrella Plant
Syneilesis aconitifolia

Beginning to emerge.

Thumbnail by mgarr
Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Nice stand of S. aconitifolia! Tell me is that a picture from this year? or last?

Hanover Twp., PA(Zone 6a)

Last year, mine is just beginning to show itself through the soil right now.

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

I was thinking wow is yours up early. Glad to hear the picture was taken last year. I found a picture of mine from last year and it was taken the 3rd of May and was totally up at that point, I haven't gone looking for mine yet, and now it's it's going to be a while because I broke my foot :( before I can get down back and watch the garden grow up close It makes me sick to think I am going to miss spring in the garden.

Hanover Twp., PA(Zone 6a)

Don't miss iT. Surely there is someone to help you put a chair out there. Even though it is cool most days I just sit on my back steps and watch nature. It is good for the soul.
Hope you heal well.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi mgarr and Shadyfolks. I just planted my shredded umbrella plant last year so this is the first year for it to come back. I looked last night and didn't see any signs yet. I'm zone 6 so I thought I might see mine before you. I'm crossing my fingers that it comes back. I know its still pretty early, but how long do you think is past time for signs of emergence. I will be pretty bummed if it doesn't come back.

One more question for both of you. It was a single stalk last year. How long before it grows into a nice little colony?

boone, NC(Zone 5b)

This is my 4th year (I think) of growing shredded umbrella. I started with a single plant. The second year, if I remember correctly, I had about 4 plants; and last year well over a dozen. Mine has not yet emerged, but it is a bit too early here in our NC mountains. It's a great plant. I am thinking about trying to split it off this year.

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

miatablu, I think it is too early to see it, so don't worry yet. That's why I asked mgarr when his picture was taken. So I have to ask- Do you have a Blue Miata?

If I remember correctly the first year I didn't have that many new off shoots maybe one, it took a couple of years. Last year was the first year it bloomed for me, which was exciting even though the flower is pretty insignificant, I was happy to see it.

Irmaly- I will be interested in hearing how the dividing goes. I'm not sure if I know how this plant grows? By rhizomes, or just reseeding itself?

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Woo Hoo! Checked last night and just starting to peek through with three more shoots that I can make out (there's 2 in the circle on the far left).

Shadyfolks, yes I have a '93 mariner blue miata. Still haven't taken the winter hard top off yet this year. Need to get the top down soon so I can get the Redbud tree I want home :) Yucky weather for this easter weekend predicted though. At least I won't be griping about having to clean the the house for easter dinner instead of being out in my garden.

Thumbnail by miatablu
Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

How exciting to see them popping through! Well, if you are having a spring like ours you will be able to take the hard top off soon and feel the breeze in your hair!

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey Shadyfolks, how's your foot doing? At least while you recoup the weather hasn't been descent enough to do stuff outside, so I hope you didn't feel so bad about having to stay out of the garden. I've been keeping an eye on my shredded umbrella but it's hardly peeked out much more than before. It's like it's playing one, two, three, redlight! with me. Maybe if I stop looking it will grow :) Last I looked I may have mistaken the 3 new ones coming up, it might just be one more. Sure looked like more, either that or the tree rats did something as unfortunately one of their favorite digging spots is real close.

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm managing with the foot, It is a big hassle and sore. We still have snow on the ground from the 20" that fell this past weekend. I think I am the only person I know that doesn't mind having the snow around this year. Plus, things really needed to be slowed down. Our last frost date is technically May 30.

How about you, when is your last frost date? You might be happy that your shredded umbrella has slowed down.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

How are everyones shredded umbrella plants doing? Here's mine from Saturday morning. Yesterday I noticed it grew alot more in just three days since this warm weather finally came this weekend. Half the fun of these plants is watching them just peek through and grow. Shady, I think you were right about being more patient to see them. The one that emerged first, just before the last cold snap (snow for your) is the smaller of the two.

Thumbnail by miatablu
boone, NC(Zone 5b)

Mined are just now emerging (we had the freezes too). I have a nice stand of them. I'll try to get a picture today.

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

HI everyone,
Well, I finally getting out and doing some weeding and uncovering of things, now that I am allowed to walk around without crutches!!!!!!!!!! I am clumsy in the 'walking boot' and need to be careful. I found my shredded umbrella plants and was surprised to see how far along they are. I will try to remember to take the camera out with me this afternoon.

Mgarr, How are yours coming along?

Hanover Twp., PA(Zone 6a)

I have them in two different areas. In the protected area they are just beginning to emerge. Along my house they have been up for a week even though we had snow last Friday they are looking good. Glad to hear your moving around. Just getting out in the air probably makes you feel better. Take care.

boone, NC(Zone 5b)

Mine are just emerging (can you tell I haven't cleaned this bed out yet)? Anyhow, I counted an exact 20 of them. Started with just one four years ago. What a great plant.

Thumbnail by irmaly

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