Oasis Zone/Med Water Zone/Arid Zone

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

I have my plants, and trees divided into several watering zones. Living in the Desert, I must economize my water. I have an "OASIS ZONE" This is where my Roses and perrenials, and an annual section is. Located on the North Side, right next to the front door, near a water source. Then there is a MED WATER Zone. I have some Med/Low water natives here,(Desert Bird of Paradise, Native Primrose/ Datura, Morning Glory etc....)
This is located a little further out from the house, about halfway out to the edge of the property.
Then the ARID ZONE, for VERY tough plants that need next to no water. (Cactus,Agave, succulents, some native perrenials)
This system makes, my water easier to manage. I also have the appropriate trees for the Zones.

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