DD found an intact birds egg. So far cant find the nest...?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

What should we do with it if anything?? We dont even know how long it was there. It is white in color.

DD said to find out,,, so here I am... lol

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Unfortunately, nothing you really can do. Don't worry about it, this sort of thing happens naturally from time to time. Some other bird will make a dinner out of it sooner or later.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks Resin, I figured as such, but promised my 6 y.o. I would check with the "experts".
Now I can explain to her.
She saw an episode on tv from the show "little house on the prairie" where the little girl thought she was rescueing some lost eggs..Her dad knew of a nearby nest and pretended to put the girls lost eggs there. Of course the nest had good eggs which promply hatched the next day and the little girl declared herself a "mommy". lol

Hope that made sense.. lol
Have a great weekend.

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