What annuals will grow in the summer in Florida?

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

I would like to plant geranium, petunia,pansies,alyssum,nasturtium and johnny jump ups. What if any survive the heat? I'm in zone 9 I think B.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

The petunias, johnny jump ups and pansies I wouldn't do in your are a til fall. When the temps get coole r thos e wil doo real good in yoru area. Don't think you shuld have a problem with the nasturiums. They pretty drought tolerant . You might consider doing soem vinca tough plant and will thrive once establishe d in the heat and without alot of water.

geraniums, not to sur e about mayeb if they were in the shade. They don't so hot here and I in zone 8b. They look good for a few weeks whiel bloomign then look really scragley.

You might pop over to the Flordia gardening forum and ask some of them folks what would be really good for yoru area.

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