Fall 06 Iris planted in Zone 5 that have sunk into their bed

Normal, IL

I tilled til I dropped. The new beds were mulched and nutrients added. Over the winter several of the Iris are no longer resting on top but sitting lower than they should, several almost covered. Should I leave 'em alone or should I yank 'em up or should I move the dirt away (which would create a low spot where the Iris is)?

Thank you very much

Steve K in IL

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Leave them where they are. As long as the tops of the rhizomes are buried under no more than 1/2" of soil they'll be just fine. Some rhizomes just seem to naturally pull themselves into the soil deeper than originally planted, and I'm not one to argue with Mother Nature.

If, however, you are gardening in heavy clay and/or the rhizomes have sunk as a result of being stomped into the ground and having the soil compacted around them, it would probably be a good idea to lift them so that their tops are level with the soil surface.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Dont think I'd pull them up though. Think I would gently push/take the soil away, making very sure you are not making a water holding depression around them. Am I making myself clear? Sounds ok to me but not sure.


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