Daily Pics #7

Melbourne, FL

Starting a new thread for daily bird pics. Starting off with a male Cardinal.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

Young male and female Indigo Buntings at feeder.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

This squirrel found a novel way to hang onto this feeder and eat.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

I was amazed watching the Red-Shouldered Hawk soaring around this morning with a Swallow-tailed Kite as a dance partner. Got one mediocre shot.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

Female Painted Bunting at feeder.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

Great bird to end the series with- a Vulture.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

That Swallow-tailed Kite is a stunner . . . never caught up with it on my US trip :-(


Marlton, NJ

Grackle fanning his tail.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

No comment ;-)

Thumbnail by pelletory
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)


Greedyguts! ;-)

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Wowie! page 7 already!

I have never seen a swallow tailed kite before - thanks gardenpom! As usual, love your birds!

I also love that fan tail on your grackle Pel. It looks like a flamenco dancer.

I have a few new pictures too. Here is a carolina wren at the "diner".

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

You can see here how full his crop is with meal worms.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

A downey has discovered the woodpecker suet block by my dining room window. He loves it buts hates being so close to the window. While he is there he is contantly shrieking. You can tell he doesn't like being so close to me but he just can't help himself lol.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

He keeps trying to position the suet block to block me out of his vision but I keep moving with him.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

A downey has discovered the woodpecker suet block

That one is actually a Hairy Wp! Note the long, heavy bill and the all-white outer tail feathers


Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

What a pest that lady is!

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh wow! Really? It seemed so slim. Come to think of it, it is larger than the downey that comes to the front. Do you think it is a juvenile? or would this be too early for a young male? Thank you so much Resin for the correction! I sure wished you lived in my neighborhood I would be over constantly making a big pest of myself!

Anyway, here he is after deciding to go find a diner that is less crowded!

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Lily, wonderful photos of the woodpecker (I can never tell the downy and hairy apart, but I'm always happy to see them!) The buntings are so pretty, I don't know if we have them here or not. And that Swallow-tail Kite, awesome!

Thanks for sharing :)

Red-shouldered Hawk attached.

Thumbnail by Hineni
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Here is my little breakfast buddy from a few days ago. He is so interested in what is on the other side of the window. Here he is saying. "Holy cow! If you eat all that for breakfast we are going to have to call you thunderthighs!"

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

oops forgot the picture.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Then he said, "You should eat more roughage like me!"

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

"They call me Mr. Svelte."

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Do you think it is a juvenile? or would this be too early for a young male?

It's an adult male, with the red on the rear of the head; juveniles have the red spot on the forehead. But as you guessed, it's also too early for a juvenile to be around yet - at this time of year, the juveniles are small, all-white, egg-shaped, and hiding deep in a hole (if they're even that yet! ;-)


Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks again Resin!

Hi Hineni! Thanks for sharing your hawk picture. I have yet to get a decent picture. Maybe one of these days.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Talk about some great photos!! And I also have never seen a Kite before - impressive!!

I haven't had many unusual sightings lately (backyard or elsewhere), but did come across this guy while out looking for the eagle's nest, which I didn't find. I'm getting pretty good at quickly pulling off the road, even if I AM on someone's private road!

Thumbnail by Murmur
Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

The wood ducks are back. this is the view from my window. I would like to give you excuses to why the pictures are blurry, but there are too many to mention. I just have to say sorry, but want to post anyway.

Thumbnail by cpartschick
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow! This is just the busiest forum.

lilyfantn, my camera is a Canon 30D, and I use the 75-300mm for the critter pix. Am dreaming of a 500mm, but suppose I really should learn the camera first. I just can't seem to find the time to read and concentrate.

Great shooting, folks! I especially like the wp in flight.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

cpart, I just love the woodies. I was most pleased to see them on my little creek last fall. Lucky you, what a view! I told DH I want a new house w/ a deck up over the creek for wildlife watching.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

So after looking at the wood ducks out front, I got on my coat to go for my morning walk in the woods. I started in the woods and looked up. There were the wood ducks, sitting in a tree. Now that is something you don't see very often. They ususally fly right away.

Thumbnail by cpartschick
Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Tigerlilly, this one is for you. Have you ever seen them in trees?

Thumbnail by cpartschick
Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Just think how nice the pictures would have been if I would have used a tripod, had the camera at the right setting, and took the first picture out on the deck instead of out that dirty window, I am beating myself up now.
The view is the one I see while doing dishes. Can you beat that? DH even does dishes to watch the wildlife. So tigerlilly, put a row of windows and a sink in the island of your kitchen at the house you are looking for.

Fellsmere, FL(Zone 9b)

Here is a picture of a red bellied woodpecker taken with my new camera.

Thumbnail by Marilyn_FL
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

Cpart, Wood Ducks are so beautiful. Have you put up any nesting boxes for them? They nest in hollow trees and nesting boxes.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Wow Marilyn. I have an ollllld HP Digital, and sometimes I get to borrow the DH's work camera. Nothing like that Red Bellied Woody pic though. Awesome detail!

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Gras,Yes, sometimes the hollow trees get too rotten and have to be taken down. We have had woodpeckers and wood ducks nest in the same tree at the same time. Like an apartment building. If we find a tree on the ground with a good size hole, we replace that section on a cedar pole, putting a baffle around the pole to keep out the raccoons. And put it where the old tree was. Another neat thing about wood ducks is they fly into the tree at full speed and don't even slow down. That is cool to see too. Many people in the area put out nice nesting boxes for wood ducks. I have seen a few boxes out in the water that geese use too, along with the nests on the tops of stumps, but my favorite is to see them nest in an old goose hunting blind.

Marlton, NJ

Wow, great pics everyone! Lily, Congrats on the Hairy!

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Nope, I've never seen them in trees!

That's one of our chief complaints about this old dump. The sink is on an inside wall, so my "view" is of knotty pine. And ALL the windows are so high I have to stand to watch the birds. ;-( It's a dank and dreary place, and I like light, lot's of it.

We looked at a couple mobil homes the other day, and one had corner windows above the kitchen sink. Dan says "Look, honey, you can watch in two directions!"

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

awww - what a nice husband tigerlily!

Thanks Pell. I'm going to add that picture ot my picturetrail! :-)

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Got this little jewel today.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Marlton, NJ

Beautiful pic tiger!!!

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