Photos: 2 young Venus Flytraps

Portales, NM(Zone 6b)

Here is a composite of two photos taken today (March 28, 2007) by a proud papa of his young VFTs. I read the forum FAQ and could find no information about photo dimensions and filesize limits, so I hope I am not over those limits and trust that someone will let me know if I am. :)

The Venus Flytrap cultivars (a specific clone of a particular variety) are Big Mouth and Royal Red.

Best wishes all--

Thumbnail by FlytrapRanch

Nope, you can load as large of a file as you want ;)

Nice babies!

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

The look healthy! Good job!


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Yours look a lot better than mine. How many kinds VFT are there do you know? Mine is all green and I love it but it isn't very big.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Yours is probably what is known as a "typical" VFT. There are MANY types of VFTs.


Portales, NM(Zone 6b)

There is only one genus (Dionaea) and one species (muscipula) of Venus Flytrap--just one. But there is only one species of human as well (homo sapiens), and look how much variation there is within our own species with variously colored skin, hair, eyes, bone structure, etc.

In Venus Flytraps, like in humans, there is a lot of variation. If you plant seed of Venus Flytraps, many of the resulting plants will look different from each other. Some will have more anthocyanine (the deep maroon-red color in some of the leaves) while some will be greener. Some will tend to have longer petioles (the part of the leaf that is between the trap and the base of the plant). Some will tend to develop a very bright red trap (sometimes) while others will only show a hint of pink inside the traps.

When a person sees a particularly nice variation from seed, they will sometimes name that specific plant (which is then called a cultivar) and try to reproduce and propagate that particular plant in some way *other than* by seed: either by natural division, rooted leaves or by tissue culture. The resulting plants are identical genetically to the original outstanding plant, so each is a member of the same cultivar.

There are many cultivars of Venus Flytrap. In my own collection I have the following cultivars: Triffid Traps, Vigorous, Red Piranha, Low Giant, Fang, Royal Red, Pink Venus, Green Dragon, Big Mouth, Banded, Fine Tooth x Red, Dente and Blood Red Traps. They are all very fine in their own way, although I do have a few personal favorites like anyone might have.

Best wishes,

New Mexico US

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Steve, Where can you find some of these?

(Zone 6a)

Hello Steve,

They look very healthy. Hey, I am familiar with your Venus Flytraps. Are you "Xscd" from Terra Forums?

Welcome, Steve! I hope that you enjoy with this forum.


Portales, NM(Zone 6b)

Hello Connie! I recognized your nickname. Yes, I'm "xscd" from TerraForums. I'm glad to be here, and hope to help encourage those who have an interest in carnivorous plants.

(Zone 6a)

Hello Steve!

The Venus Flytraps that I received from you last year still are dormant. The weather is crazy! I have light snow today for short time. Hopeful the temperature starts to warm up soon as the Venus Flytraps wake up and catch their favorite long daddy spiders meal. :-)


Hey, what is this? Old home week or something! Here's hoping you two bring friends over here to pour some life into our forums!

If you don't mind my asking... what does "Xscd" mean? No need to answer my question if you don't want to. I was just curious.

(Zone 6a)

Hi Equilibrium,

"Xscd" is Steve's nickname in TerraForums. He is wonderful guy. His Venus Flytraps are beautiful and very healthy. Feel free to visit the TerraForums at .


Ahh, I've been over there and lurked. There are some incredibly knowledgeable contributors over there. But, too many out of control kiddies and adults who don't conduct themselves appropriately for my liking. I am really not into getting into discussions of politics and such because those types of conversations generally deteriorate rapidly and people hold grudges. I'm more of a plant geek. Not that I don't have a good sense of humor but there's a fine line and no way no how am I getting sucked in to some of what I've read over there.

I did find a brand new forum out there that recently came into existence and you might like it-
If I have time, I'd like to become active over there.

Portales, NM(Zone 6b)

Thank you for the compliment, Connie. :-) Here in New Mexico my Venus Flytraps woke up about 4 weeks ago and began to grow vigorously. Many have flower stalks several inches tall already, of the particular mature, healthy VFTs that I allow to flower. I cut the flower stalks from most of my VFTs. I hope you have a good growing season.

Regarding my nickname "xscd," years ago when I first started using the Internet, it was difficult to find a nickname for myself, based on my real name, that hadn't already been taken by someone else at various Web sites. So I decided that if I used my initials (scd) and prefaced them with the least-likely letter of the alphabet (well, unless someone had the name Xerxes or Xavier I guess), then that would make it likely that I could use the same nickname at most sites I had to create a nickname for. And I have been right so far. :-)

This message was edited Apr 6, 2007 7:13 PM

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