My Jacob's Ladder and Columbine are up!

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I didn't know what to expect this year since we had such a severe winter here. I'm afraid tulips, daffodils and muscari have turned to mush in my pots. So much snow, ice and cold. But what IS up is doing very well. Even the clematises are coming to life, albeit slowly. It just makes me that much more impatient. LOL

Thumbnail by revclaus
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

That Jacob's ladder is a beaut.

This winter has been weird; surely worse for you with all those feet of snow. I'm glad it's over.


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

PVick, I've got PIGEONS on my balcony this year. One of them just landed on this pot and wrecked my columbine. You have been much in my thoughts with these wretched birds. I bought a plastic bb gun, but it isn't enough to even scare them. Horrors! How did they find me???

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Good heavens! I wish I could tell you how to get rid of them, but you know my battle with those birds. Cirillo has been hanging around for about 12 years now (or more?) - looks like he's on his third wife. He has never truly bothered my plants, but his new wife is a pip - she chomps on everything. I've got all my emerging plants covered with plastic mesh until they're big enough to fend for themselves.

This year, I might try those plastic bird spikes in strategic places - hopefully that will at least keep them out of "hidden" places where they like to make nests. Nothing else has worked.

Good luck - maybe a good BB in the butt will give them the message!


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I've thought of those plastic spikes, and I could put them right on the railing where they like to perch. In the summer the window box flowers would cover them over. Worth a look.

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