Question for VictorGardener

Grand Blanc, MI(Zone 5b)

Victor - I read an old post of yours from 2004 that you grow Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in the shade and it has done well. Does it still turn red in the fall? Is it still doing well years later? I would like to plant a couple between the shrubs in the front of my house. It is a raised bed (stone retaining wall) and receives maybe 1 to 2 hours of mid-afternoon sun. I'd really like some fall color there and usually place pots of mums every year. Thanks!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hi serenity,

Yes they are still doing well. They do still turn reddish, just not as vibrant as the ones in the sun. I like Autumn Joy, but there are so many new varieties now. You might want to look into them before deciding. 'Black Jack' and 'Purple Emperor' come to mind. There are others as well. Good luck!


Grand Blanc, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Victor - this is great to hear! I will be sure to check out all the varieties before settling on the old stand-by.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Any time!

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