Native NC Bamboo

Aulander, NC(Zone 7a)

About three years ago when I moved to my wetland I could have sworn I saw a small patch of something that resembled bamboo.

Go ahead LOL! I never knew that NC had a native bamboo. Now I have about four large areas near the woods that have a nice grove effect going on. I don't mind except for the really scary photo of the canebreak rattlesnake.

Any suggestions or experience with this creature? So far, the only snake I've encountered was a white earth snake.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Smithfield/ Selma area is covered with it alond creek banks.
Spreds like wild fire.


New Bern, NC(Zone 8a)

It's along the roadsides here in New Bern, too.
LavinaMae, nice to see you back on the web.
Hope we can get together sometime.

Jacksonville, NC(Zone 8a)

Interested in fiding a shoot of the N.C. bamboo.

Also I would like information on crabapple trees. I bought one called Eleyi because of the color. However, the ticket does say that it has fruits. I am concerned as to whether the fruits are bird fruits or the kind that we humans could eat. I love crab apple jelly! I love their color in the spring, don't you?

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